E-UK Weekly news, 30/09/08 - 06/10/08

Day 321, 12:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

This is the 5th article from the National Newspaper Association. Every week this newspaper will release one article on a Monday with links and details of the previous week's best newspaper articles. If you would like your article featured in this article, please pm the association, or for a more direct answer, Hassan Pesaran, the Minister of Information. Firstly, a note from our sponsors:

"Apply for Big Brother Dwellings today! or you know. Don't. If you're into that sort of thing. Big Brother Dwellings is hiring! with competitive rates of pay for Skill Level 2 employees. Message KBoomer for further details."

Also, did you know that the National Newspaper has gone digital? That's right, you no longer have to wait a week for the latest news bulletins - now you can go onto the eUK website and find a 24/7 updated list of the UK's best articles. The direct link is

General Election Coverage

Newspaper: Auksine Varpa
Author: Stebetojas
Name of article: Election is over. Rayf Drayson win President Election.
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-683576.html
Short Description: First October 2008 General Elections article showing the results

Newspaper: Cardiff Politics
Author: Sir Graystar
Name of article: New Congress
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-683851.html
Short Description: List of all members in congress

Newspaper: The Unity Post
Author: Hassan Pesaran
Name of article: Complete General Election Overview
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-683859.html
Short Description: All the GE knowledge you could ever want. Or need.

Newspaper: Erepublik Insider
Author: admin
Name of article: 1st of October General elections coverage
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-683685.html
Short Description: List of all the new presidents in all the coutnrys in the world

House of Commons

Newspaper: House of Commons
Author: House of Commons
Name of article: British Academy + Minister of Education
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-684361.html#
Short Description: Details about more of the new exciting government initatives being passed in the Commons

Newspaper: The Unity Post
Author: Hassan Pesaran
Name of article: Congressional Report: 28 Sept - 5 October
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-685071.html
Short Description: A run-down on all the votes that were passed in Congress this week, along with the Congress attendance.


Newspaper: The Spartacus League
Author: Stan Wephen
Name of article: Update from PCP HQ - Yes, we're still here

Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-684980.html
Short Description: Stan brings us the low-down on what the PCP are doing after the General Elections.

Newspaper: The Unity Post
Editor: Hassan Pesaran
Title: TUP Moving Forward
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-685313.html
Short Description: Hassan Pesaran gives a quick update on the Unity Party

Newspaper: Office of the Prime Minister
Author: Rayf Drayson
Name of article: Prime Minister's Briefing: Week 1
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-684881.html
Short Description: The new President of the eUK, Rayf Drayson, tells us what has gone on drunig his first week at the helm.

Newspaper: UK Afternoon News
Editor: Deathtoll32
Title: A UKRP Change
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-685095.html
Summary: Deathtoll32"s Manifesto for UKRP Party Elections

Newspaper: Malta's Gazette
Editor: malta_1990
Title: Malta_1990 Runs for TUP Party President Elections
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-685102.html
Short Description: Malta states his intent to run for TUP PP

Newspaper: eRepublikanTimes
Authour: jerryGFL
Name of article: jerryGFL for UKRP party president - A manifesto
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-685426.html
Short Description: jerry tells us why you should vote for him as PP for UKRP

Newspaper: eUK Informer
Author: taytaz
Name of article: Australian Independence, Government in Exile interviewed
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-684097.html
Short Description: Interview with the Australian government, soon to be the centre of the independent fighting force


Newspaper: Department of Work
Author: Department of Work
Name of article: Worker Transition Scheme
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-684081.html
Short Description: The DoW releases an excellent scheme to help workers move from one company to another when the economy demands

Newspaper: Military Gazette
Author: malta_1990
Name of article: Q2 Foo😛 Way too cheap?
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-682717.html
Short Description: An interesting economic article about quality 2 food and its price implications


Newspaper: Heart of the Kingdom News
Author: Malcovent
Name of article: Heart of the Kingdom – Issue #2 -2/10/08
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-683854.html
Short Description: A juicy article filled up with loads and loads of stuff!

Newspaper: Military Gazette
Author: malta_1990
Name of article: How to best prepare for V1
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-684142.html
Short Description: An excellent guide with some great hints about what we should do about Version 1

Newspaper: UK Afternoon News
Editor: Deathtoll32
Title: Neppy Housing....Legal or Illegal?
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-685173.html
Summary: Chief of Police investigation of Neppy Housing


Need gifting? Live in London? Then apply for the London Citizenship scheme. To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-521642.html , or contact Stan Wephen, Head of the London Council, for more details

Tired of London? Need a move? Did you know you could be eligible to move for free thanks to Tranpsort for London! To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-603391.html, or contact Stan Wephen, Head of TfL, for more details

Need gifting? Wish you could gift yourself? Did you know you can? (sorta). Join the gift trading scheme, and you could be gifted today! To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-610351.html, or contact Tim09 for more details.

Want to get into politics? Think you could do better than the current mayor in your region? Then join the local Council and you could gain the experience much needed to make you the next best mayor. Contact Keitarour to become part of the Bristol Council, or look on www.erepublik.com/article-638971.html for more info. Contact Stan Wephen to become part of the London Council.

Aurum Corporation, the World's largest corporation is based right here in the UK. They have openings in all industries, and are always hiring. If you want the opportunity to work for the largest investment group in the world with opportunities on two continents, the please contact Aurum today!

Do you want your advertisment featured here? Then pm Hassan Pesaran, Minister of Information, and we'll be happy to put yours on. Yes, that's right. I'm advertising advertising.


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