E-UK Weekly news, 23/09/08 - 30/09/08

Day 315, 13:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

This is the 4th article from the National Newspaper Association (apologies for the late release this week, GEs and life held me back). Every week this newspaper will release one article on a Monday with links and details of the previous week's best newspaper articles. If you would like your article featured in this article, please pm the association, or for a more direct answer, myself (Stan Wephen), head of the National Newspaper Association.

Firstly, a note from our sponsors:

Aurum Corporation, the World"s largest corporation is based right here in the UK. They have openings in all industries, and are always hiring. If you want the opportunity to work for the largest investment group in the world with opportunities on two continents, the please contact Aurum today!


Newspaper: The UKRP Whip!
Author: Dishmcds
Name of article: Economics for Dummies
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-676042.html
Short Description: One of the best articles I've read about the economics of E-republik, a definite read for anyone interested in economics


Newspaper: The Opinionated Times
Author: Squiddy
Name of article: Introducing The New Council and My First Competition
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-676162.html
Short Description: The London Council's going on another recruitment drive and this time, we want YOU!

Newspaper: Bombadils informer
Author: Bombadil
Name of article: Clearing up a few issues.
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-682142.html
Short Description: Bombadil refutes Billy Bright's various attacks on him and makes thing crystal clear about what he thinks of the current situation.

Newspaper: The UKRP Whip!
Author: Dishmcds
Name of article: Why I support the UKRP
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-681317.html
Short Description: Dishmcds reveals all in why he likes the UKRP, although the actual difference between that and what the other parties do remains a mystery to me

Newspaper: Sunshine Express
Author: Mr Sunshine
Name of article: Billy Bright, Hero or Zero
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-680487.html
Short Description: A insightful interview with the infamous 'Billy Bright', most known for getting himself banned on the E-republik forum because of allegations of racism and stupidity

Newspaper: The UKRP Whip!
Author: Dishmcds
Name of article: Election Special: The New Issues
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-680934.html
Short Description: An honest and open article imploring voters to think about the situation we're in, and what we should do about it

Newspaper: House of Commons
Author: House of Commons
Name of article: Processing of HoC Proposals
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-681214.html
Short Description: The full proposal regarding the processing of proposals put through government.

Newspaper: The Unity Post
Author: Hassan Pesaran
Name of article: Congressional Report: September 21-28
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-681926.html
Short Description: The next congressional report from the MoI. Want to know what's happening in government? Read this.

Newspaper: Birmingham News
Author: GokWan
Name of article: GokWan for leader of the Right Party
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-682029.html
Short Description: Another TRP member is unhappy with the current leadership.

Newspaper: Sunshine Express
Author: Mr Sunshine
Name of article: Democracy, Where art thou?
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-681911.html
Short Description: A TRP members speaks out against the current TRP leadership. Billy Bright makes some hilarious comments to the article.

Newspaper: Cardiff Politics
Author: Sir Graystar
Name of article: General Election Preview - UK
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-682141.html
Short Description: A brief but effective overview of the upcoming GEs

Foreign Affairs

Newspaper: The Unity Post
Author: Hassan Pesaran
Name of article: Joint Presidential Statement on the Proposed Abolition of Mayors
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-680261.html
Short Description: The world leaders unite aginst the admin's decision to abolish mayors. Read, and find out how many countries are discontent.

Newspaper: eUK Telegraph
Author: CV James
Name of article: Exclusive Interview: Esteban Delgado - South African Resistance Leader
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-667861.html
Short Description: South Africa is in trouble, and this interview tells us a little more about the situation happening over there. Will the E-uk respond? That remains to be seen

Newspaper: eUK Telegraph
Author: CV James
Name of article: Pakistan dictator claims plans of Iranian "coup"
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-673512.html
Short Description: Pakistan and Iran continue to have their difficulties, with a supposed blackmail of the God-Emperor of Pakistan by an Iranian congressman.


Newspaper: The Unity Post
Author: Hassan Pesaran
Name of article: Full TUP Manifesto, October 1st
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-680906.html
Short Description: The Unity Party manifesto. There are some good policies in there, and any informed voter needs to read all the manifestos.

Newspaper: Vox Populi
Author: People's Initiative
Name of article: PCP Manifesto - October General Elections
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-682174.html
Short Description: The People's Communist Party manifesto

Newspaper: The Spartacus League
Author: Stan Wephen
Name of article: Short PCP Manifesto - October General Elections
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-682177.html
Short Description: Short version of the People's Communist Party manifesto.

Newspaper: The Bristol Herald
Author: Rayf Drayson
Name of article: URKP Platform and Manifesto: October 2008
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-681270.html
Short Description: The United Kingdom Reform Party manifesto.

Newspaper: Heart of the Kingdom News
Author: Malcovent
Name of article: We're Back! - Pilot Article, (Contains Video)
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-680902.html
Short Description: I really liked the video (the article parts a bit of a rant), definitely gives an insight into how much E-republik has grown


Newspaper: The Freudian Slip
Author: Bob Boblo
Name of article: Some Predictions for V1
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-681824.html
Short Description: Some amusing predictions for the upcoming version 1. Worth a read.

Newspaper: Quis separabit?
Author: Billy Bright
Name of article: Are there spies in TRP?
Link: http://www.erepublik.com/article-681771.html
Short Description: Ummm...I wasn't sure whether to take this seriously, so I've put it under satire, although I suspect he may actually mean it. Communist spies in the TRP? One wonders...


Need gifting? Live in London? Then apply for the London Citizenship scheme. To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-521642.html , or contact Stan Wephen, Head of the London Council, for more details

Tired of London? Need a move? Did you know you could be eligible to move for free thanks to Tranpsort for London! To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-603391.html, or contact Hassan Pesaran, Head of TfL, for more details

Need gifting? Wish you could gift yourself? Did you know you can? (sorta). Join the gift trading scheme, and you could be gifted today! To read more, go onto www.erepublik.com/article-610351.html, or contact Tim09 for more details.

Want to get into politics? Think you could do better than the current mayor in your region? Then join the local Council and you could gain the experience much needed to make you the next best mayor. Contact Keitarour to become part of the Bristol Council, or look on www.erepublik.com/article-638971.html for more info. Contact Stan Wephen to become part of the London Council.

Do you want your advertisment featured here? Then pm me, Stan Wephen, and we'll be happy to put yours on. Yes, that's right. I'm advertising advertising.


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DISCLAIMER: Although the owner of the NNA attemptes to refrain from bias as much as possible, it may be possible that there is an element of bias within the short descriptions. The NNA would like to remind readers that is the opinion purely of the author and not respective of the NNA itself.