Disappointed Player - About CP Elections and E-Australian Community

Day 2,571, 12:57 Published in Australia Australia by Albeck

First of all, let me introduce myself. As you can see, my nick in this game is Albeck. In real life I am just a regular guy, writing my master thesis and trying to get degree in IT Project Management. In few days I will be 24. I am enjoying running, soccer, technology, going out etc. All in all, just an everyday guy.

I think that would be enough about my IRL life.

I am not a completely new in this game. I played for a short time (maybe 2 weeks) a while ago and don’t really remember my nickname but what I do remember is that eAustralia was much different place to eLive in.
I know I could get a lot of negative comments because of what I am going to write, but let it be. Although this is just my second day in this game some things are obvious.

So let´s start:

1) CP Elections: WHY, but really WHY would I vote for any candidate running for this position? Can I see their article in newspaper about their policy or anything regarding this elections? No. Not even one. Why are you even running if you are too lazy to even do a short campaign or are you expecting me to vote for you just because I like your avatar the best or because you are member of the biggest party? C’mon guys. Nobody of you deserve my vote or anyone’s vote. Let me ask you again. Why are you even running? CP medal or just to prove someone you can do it? Or you and your party just don’t want anyone else be a CP? ONE day before election and there is nothing, but I mean nothing about your campaigns, policies, goals or anything. Good job guys!

2) E-AUSTRALIA COMMUNITY: Does something like that even exist in this game or you are just bored for a few hours in your real life so you come here and work/train and maybe fight. Ok, I get it. It is a small e-country with just a few players and it is not to be expected that this is going to be a vibrant community. But what about those that are elected on major positions in this game, like: CP, Ministers, Senators, Party Presidents, Army generals and so on. What in a hell are you doing? Back in the time when I played this game for the first time in just a few hours after registering I got messages from few Party Presidents offering me help and telling me why should I join their party? There were also elections going on and there were a lot of articles and personal messages campaigning for candidates running in those elections. Of course, Department for new players also offered me a help and anything I need. So, maybe we have just a few players, but those who are elected on positions mentioned above should do something to change that. What do we have now? Just a few random articles in media, IRC with no people on and dead forums.

Last comment on forums was written on December 2nd, two people online (me and infin, who is always there. And it’s like that whenever I log in)

Also, it would be nice to change the orders so we can defend our e-country.

And one more question. Is there anyone in charge for Immigration? If there is why do we have people there who are waiting for a few days (according to the post of one of them on my militia wall he is waiting for more then 3 days) although they seem to be quite OK. If they will not be accepted I think the public should now the reasons and the names.

Again, I am sorry if my article will offend someone but this just doesn’t make any sense. C’mon people, let’s do something and make this place worth playing in.

Kind regards,