Detachements and action without action

Day 1,064, 00:56 Published in India India by Patanjali
Ridendo castigat mores!
Sugested sound enviroment:[url] [/url]
Bharat bhai,
Apko Namaskar.

You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Through this newspaper, ant the other two previous (Indymedia and the Fish Speakers) I tried to expres my thoughts, my opinion related to this eWorld and not only (The RL was allways present too).
Now, with the change of eMedia, I have to wrotte in the country in wich I’m citizen. Wich is good, because I like very much eIndia, the kind people from here … the spices of eLife.

However, I generally wrotte in romanian, my native language, expresing issues concerning the folks with whom I live every day. More than that, english is a foreign language for me (and you could easyly notice that). So is italian too (and at the time they, also, noticed that).
Still, I try to wrotte in this foreign languages because, in my opinion, to communicate, to expres ideas and debate them is, by far, the moust interesting and important side of this eWorld, of this eLife.
Also because I find out there are wonderful mens around (and wonderful womens - Mná na h-Éireann)

So, this is an argument and an explanation for this article, for you, my friends, to better understand what I meant, what my limits are and how I’m related to the game limitation.

In those two years since I’m playing eR I have seen a lot of human behaviour, some strange, some of extraordinary beauty.
Some people came here to folow a dream, of their own, some come just for fun, other are interested in an social or economic simulator, others are here to avenge the RL history and to fight against “bad” neighbours.
But, nomatter the reason they came here for, they all have to face the same “human nature” who is acting here too.

People tend to stugle for a better position, for better resources, for power.
Do they do that for the ancestral purpouse of leading ? Do the man’s do that for the pleasure of “hunting” ? and if so, what about the womens ?

Also, there are a lot of “flames” around us. People tend to cross over the borders of normality here, because is just a game, just a virtual enviroment, so no real harm is donne. Is it so ?
When people aim to hurt the feelings of the others, do they do no harm ?

Further, when one of your own kind (eNation) steal the public goods, mocking others or have a bad behaviour, what should we do ? Ignore him ? Let him go ?

Strangely, but I have noticed that people from developing country (RL) are much more sensitive to those issues.
I’m not saying they do not do the same mistakes, but that they are more concerned, debating the issues and putting questions.

Also, the “game mechanics” are limiting the ways we could express ourselves ingame so, the natural reaction, people tend to do that on the chat chanels.

Still, in those two years I did not noticed big models to folow in RL too.
Not only persons, but not sistems.

Sure, it is (and very near to us) the Dioist – Theocratic model but, hey, is quite old for the human kind (I tend to suspect that this was the first of all).
The majority of other states (especially those involved in the major alliances – EDEN – PHOENI😵 are military based, developing a sort of oligarchy, economic and military oligarchy, for the sustaining of wich the entire society have to work, to let themselves to be exploited.

So, is there no dream lefted around ?
No hoppe for a better eWorld ?

Et cum facta esset hora, discubuit, et apostoli cum eo. – Vulgata – Luca, 22

Could we, or at least some of us, detache from this Karma – action cycle, and just watch and moderate the society, the behaviours ?
Could we develop some kind of values, moral, laws after all, that we impose (not by force, but by example) to the leaders of our community ?

I’m putting these questions nowadays in eIndia, because we are at the eddge of the chaos and, that for, it is a propper moment to put this fundamental questions, to rediscover ourselves, our aims.

I do stop here for allowing me the pleasure of your comments.

Best whishes, to all of you !