Democracy or Dictatorship? The Pros and Cons

Day 2,697, 04:32 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by HebronGazelle

As we all should know by now, there is going to be another referendum in the eUK on democracy and dictatorship soon. Therefore I have written this article for the pros of each situation, so that you can see the arguments presented by both sides. Hopefully we will see some good debates in the comments too, and if anyone comments with a good argument for either side I will add it to the article (with credit to you of course).

Arguments For Democracy

- We are following the will of the people by having a democratically elected leader. The best way to get the opinion of the whole of the eUK population is through the in-game elections, and the person elected through that should be our leader.

- What if our dictator suddenly turns evil? They are the one with access to the treasury? They can steal our money, while we would then have to pay 200,000CC to stop this happening. But it could already be too late by then.

- There is a determination bonus for democracy in battles meaning there will probably be a successful revolution each month. We will have to keep paying 200,000CC to keep the dictatorship in place, which is a lot of money for most of the population.

- We would have to have a dictator that we can all trust to set the laws, but who can we all trust? If they are the only one pressing the buttons they have to be very trustworthy and active.

Arguments For Dictatorship

- Foreign military units will not be able to take over our country and steal the treasury without first paying 200,000CC to start a revolution and then another 200,000CC to become dictator. They would also have to win both of those battles, making it even harder for them.

- A majority of Congress are stupid, they might propose stupid laws and then the other stupid Congressmen will vote the laws through. Note: This actually happens. With a dictatorship, the dictator will set the laws and Congress cannot stupidly stop them passing.

- We already have several mass PMs which allow the main figures of the eUK to discuss what goes on, the dictator will not have to make all the decisions by himself provided people continue to discuss and offer advice.

Other Points Of Interest

- If the CP is also the dictator, we will have to start a revolution and then an impeachment law to get rid of them. That means it could take even longer!