December PP intent 2012

Day 1,849, 17:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Joku Gones

So initially I was going to write a fancy article, stick a bunch of nice graphics in and really work on my political wording for this article. I have decided, however, that the quick couple paragraphs I summed up for a late primary entry truly summed me up better than any politcal ploys or lexical choices and that my beliefs were firm and strong enough to hold up with or without fancy pictures. As such, I shall simply copy my internal manifesto here and hope you judge it on it's content and message, rather than the aesthetic value.

So, as rather obvious by now I have tossed my hat into the ring for PP for the coming month of December and, to be quite frank and upfront, I reckon you should vote for me (and not only because there’s very few candidates and Appleby has chucked his support behind me). Most of you who are active, especially on IRC will have seen me suddenly gain prominence throughout the party in the short while I’ve been here, for the simple fact that I feel both a commitment and a connection to the party and its ideals. Of course, simply being passionate about the pragmatic and rational reform we wish to offer the eUK is not enough to qualify me for leadership. I hope, however, that you will understand that I do bring more than just a drive for us to do well. This week reflects poorly on my ability to commit, admittedly, I have been hit with a wave of eRep and RL work, being the last week of the semester. This changes next week as we break for Christmas and although I will be maintaining a 9-5 job I will have access to the game and the forums throughout the day and IRC during the evenings.

I don’t have much time to say many other things, being in a rush to a christmas do and aiming to not bore you but I will sum up a couple key points before I abscond.
1. A media presence is something I wish to inspire this term, obviously I am doubtful that we can match the output of larger parties such as New Era, quality over quantity is key here though
2.Moral integrity during these times is a must, we cannot afford to provide mud to our political adversaries. As such there would be a maintenance of the UKRP policy to not buy our members, merely support any new players with what spare we have left over. Vote buying for articles will also be frowned upon, I would rather we miss the top 5 than sink to the levels of Sir Nick. Of course, to avoid those levels, any of us from UKRP with governmental positions will be expected to not use those for recruitment purposes.
3. Recruitment. We currently sit, by a short margin, outside of the top 5. This eliminates us from congress and it is, I say rather cynically, likely that we will miss out on the next congress elections. This issue would have to be addressed later in term. I would take up an organisational role for recruitment and would encourage our younger players (well, even younger than me) to be the ones sending out messages of friendship and greeting. I would however like all UKRP members to friend and offer support to every new citizen possible.

I must dash now, terribly sorry for the brevity of the manifest but find me if you wish to ask any more questions.