Danish Liberal Party - Small presentation

Day 686, 06:33 Published in Denmark Spain by dragosv

First of all, I would like to congratulate HoeMarx on winning the elections. Let us wait and see if the impeachment goes on.

Now, even this party was made 20 days ago, I never wrote down the ideals the party seeks:

1. Freedom of the citizens and freedom of the danish lands

We all now that the current ecitizens, with the current political system, the freedom in most cases it´s asured (but the admin are willing to make other political systems available.......some day 😛 )

We also now, that the freedom of the danish lands will be complicated, but not imposible. Regaining the lands by force, now, it´s almost imposible, but by diplomacy, it can be posible.

2. Helping and promoting the e-national companies.

Companies that work here and are profitable, that can give work to the ecitizens, improving their status and the general economy.

I know it´s not much, but the bigger the party grows, the bigger and divers ideas there will be.

Greetings to all 😉

PS: I think that are 13 congressmen left, so if the impeachment can work, it needs 9 out of the 13 votes. The score now it´s 6-3.

3. International Stand

We understand that being neutral, it´s the best thing for eDenmark and all the small countries.

Danish Liberal Pary

Also, don´t forget, the danish chat, join us 😃

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For the ones that use Mirc or Ircap:

server: rizon
channel: erepublik.dk