CVP Assistant VP Released

Day 582, 14:21 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5


I wish I could be writing all of you on happier terms today, but sadly, a great deal of damage has been done and the following steps were taken in my power to prevent such damage from continuing. Many of you will like what I am about to say, but I am also sure that there will be many of you out there who will not like what I am about to say. I ask for you all to understand the circumstances the CVP and myself went through in order to come to this conclusion. I know many of you will have your grievances against me for taking this action, waiting too long to take this action, and for allowing the damage to have continued for so long. I wish to apologize all of you who were hurt or will be hurt: I am truly sorry and I hope you will forgive me.

Now the part you have been waiting for: I, at around 3:00 PM CST on June 24, 2009 have decided to release Ajay Bruno from his duties as Assistant Vice President of the Conservative Party. I have come to the conclusion that it is in our party's best of interests to no longer include him within the upper ranks of the leadership. I want to make it very clear the reason I have taken such action, because I know the rumors will sprea😛 "He fired him because they lost members", "He fired him only after they lost council members" "He fired him because of the USWP complaints", "He fired him because he has focused negativety on the CVP" All of which are untrue. The simple and plainest reason I have released Ajay is because he did not do his job as Assistant Vice President. He rarely kept in contact with VP Cromstar, and his hurtful words were causing many people unnecessary fear. Ajay and Myself have come to the agreement that all contact between Ajay and Erep shall go through myself to assure no more hurtful words will be said, this is including all campaign articles for congress or president. In return I will keep my promise to the members of the CVP and will allow the Primary to continue as normal, including candidate Ajay. It would not be fair to the people who have voted for him, to be cheated of a democratic vote in such an election. I personally would rather see Gaius win, but I am willing to give Ajay this one last fair chance.

When all is finished with the primary, unless he is nominated, Ajay will disappear into obscurity as agreed, meaning no more articles or hurtful speeches on IRC. As for the consequences, we have already lost 2 prime council members and 2 congressional opportunities, but giving up is not an option. We will pick ourselves up and continue on, as we always have. I know the damage has already been done in many places, and may be irreversible, but we can comeback to our full potential. First off, the CVP will be looking for 3 or more new Council members: This is an open invitation to become part of the action 😉 [Join us here type in your name and channel #cvp3] We are specifically looking for someone who works with spreadsheets and/or computer programming in an RL job. Continue to help us out by visiting us in #cvp3. We can work through this setback and still come out on top 😃 I know we can 😉 If you think we can too then help us out and Vote CVP in these upcoming elections.

As for Ajay Bruno, I hope all of you in Erepublik will come to realize how tough it was for me to make this decision, but I believe that it is the right one. For everyone out there who considers the values of the CVP and it's PP, myself, let this be a reminder that, in the end, for better or worse, it will always be the person behind the keyboard who counts.

Thank you,
God Bless America,