Day 2,636, 01:51 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina by Ponosan Bosanac

Čitam ovih dana novine po eRepubliku i zanimljivo je nakon predaje Bosanske "deer" regije eSrbiji od strane eHrvatske, koliko saradnja ove dvije strane javna i kako se sve vodi samo pod izgovorima NAP-a. Ovde nema ni N od NAP-a, već potpuna saradnja.

U ovim novinama (kandidatura za CP) možete pročitati planove eSrbije za J. Ameriku:

"Тежиште ратовања последњих месеци измештено је у Јужну Америку; имамо несређених рачуна тамо, па ће и приоритети Србије доминантно бити на овом ратишту. Три суштинске чланице Астерије остале су без конгреса и то се не сме поновити. Азија је дуго окупирана, па би добро било и да планери савеза размисле о отварању тог фронта. Уколико буде неопходно отворити балкански фронт, сигурно нећу бежати од тога"

Ovo su novine eHrvatskog predjednika:
"...dok ćemo se povući iz J.Amerike. Razlog toga leži u činjenici da je teško držati otvorena dva fronta (Kanda i Brazil)."

Ovde se iz aviona vidi da se Chile ostavlja na cjedilu! Tako nakon Bosne i Chile postade žrtva saradnje Hrvatska - Srbija.
Bosna je oduvjek u teškoj situaciji i najviše ko je pomagao Bosni je Hrvatska, zbog toga je Hrvatska uvjek imala 200% naše skromne pomoći kada je najviše trebalo.
Na drugoj strani Chile je odličan saveznik. Veoma jak i odan saveznik, nikome nikada nije bio teret i zato ovo što mu se radi nije nikako zaslužio i nema opravdanja. Očito je eHrvatskoj, punjenje ćupova CC-om preče od bilo kod saveznika.

Naravno to je sve njihova stvar, samo eto neka udje u zapisnik!

Good luck Chile!


I read these days eRepublik newspapers and it is interesting after Croatian surrender of the Bosnian "deer" region to eSerbia, how cooperation between these two sides is public. Here there is no N of the NAP, her is full cooperation between Croatia and Serbia.

In this newspaper (candidacy for CP) can read plans eSerbia for S. America:

"The focus of warfare in recent months was relocated to South America; we have unsettled account there, so will the priorities of Serbia predominantly be on the battlefield. The three core members Asterija remained without Congress and it can not be repeated. Asia has long occupied, it would be prudent and to any association planners think about opening this front. If it is necessary to open a Balkan front, for sure I will not run away from it "

This newspaper eCroatia presidenst:
"... while we withdraw from S.America. The reason for this lies in the fact that it is difficult to keep open two fronts (Kanda and Brazil)."

Here we see from the plane to Chile left in the lurch! So after Bosnia and Chile became the victim of cooperation eCroatia - eSerbia.
Bosnia has always been a difficult situation and most who helped Bosnia in past is Croatia, but because this Croatia has always had 200% of Bosnian modest help when Croatia needed.
On the other hand, Chile is a great ally. Very strong and loyal ally, nobody was never a burden and therefore what he is doing can not deserved and no justification.
Obviously, for "this eCroatia", filling account with CC is a more important than any allies.

Good luck Chile!