CP Update #3

Day 2,379, 13:44 Published in Ireland Ireland by mirek12345

Hello dear citizens,

Lately I've been a bit busy in RL, with my final exams starting soon and having been on an election committee for the EU elections this sunday. So, I apologise for my lack of activity in the past 2 days or so.

Now, onto the topics for today


Our operation with Korea has unfortunately been unsuccessful. Taiwan got the NE on Korea first, so they were able to attack the only Korean region at once, thus reducing the chances of success for the Korean AS. Even though our allies in Aurora helped us so much, that the Korean battles were prio 1 for 2 days, We couldn't beat Taiwan and their alliance that stood behind them. After all, there's great interest in keeping SK without a congress for them - so they cannot change taxes and RoC can basically get 2500 iep every day off SK. Although, admittedly, there was a certain lack in organization/cooperation which also thwarted our chances. You can read the full report on this topic, writen by Seanan here

We had a battle night in cooperation with Mexico on the 24th from 1600 erep time and we fought in Kurzeme for Latvia that night. I understand that some of you couldn't join us because of the time when it was held, but the night was a success nonetheless, both the Mexicans and the Irish had a great time. It was a great bonding opportunity and thanks to the mexican government and especially their MoD God Akenaton for suggesting this.


Our ministers Raven and Foxfire are working tirelessly this month, and have already gotten the 3rd part of Ireland's FHVs out, along with projects and contests like their latest contest or the gaming guild. I have to commend them for keeping the public entertained this month, as they've been really doing a great job


Mr. Tayto has continued the work on the eIrish food project. 156 000 energy worth of food has been handed out so far thanks to the kind donations of various citizens and friends of eIreland. Tayto's latest project is a short quiz with great prizes made in cooperation with the MoE of eIndia. You can check it out here.

That'd be all for today, thank you for your time

Yours truly,


Éire Abú