CP-candidate MoF and MoD

Day 1,506, 14:34 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Good evening,

I’ve come to you with my final article for this campaign for the next presidential elections. The remaining two departments, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Finance will be discussed here. I have chosen stability for these two as they are much needed.

The finances of the state of have been modified by loans given out to citizens and by the new budget law. I would like to thank GoopyPants for his adjustments to the accounting sheets. As discussed in the article regarding home affairs, a series of proposals will be worked on for citizen programs. This will require the financial expertise of a good Minister of Finance to build in the necessary checks and balances.

In the area of national defense we’re slowly returning to a decent national army structure. Some transparency might still be lacking but what is certain is that the Belgian Armed Forces have proven their worth in our most recent war effort. We hope that they can prove once again to be of value for missions abroad where friends of eBelgium need us. The Minister of Defense will be asked to actively work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to identify such conflicts and evaluate the help we can offer.

The team will be announced in the next article. It will be large especially for the Home Affairs departments.

Wishing you a pleasant night and hoping you vote for the right candidate !
At the service of eBelgium,