Country President Bdexter

Day 2,208, 08:04 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

By now it has been decided that Bdexter to has won the Country President election for a second consecutive term.

His debates were founded largely on bringing new Alliances to eMalaysia and being from Heaven. Which is a pretty solid plan.

He won this election on ideas and actions according to himself. It had nothing to do with bribery, threats, lies, or the color gray from his view. The entire election was totally legit to him.

Even with his victory though he seems to be on the offensive. After I haphazardly published an article voicing my personal support for the ePhillipines he stated that it wasn't my place to do so.

Well let me state this now and forever.


He went on to state something that confused me.

At first I was like: "I don't need to break erepublik laws like you did". I had literally every other parties support except your because you were the Party President.

Upon looking closer it was in the past tense. Bdexter no longer loves me. He loved me but no more. This time in our relationship has come to close and it is a point to which we will never return due to the irreversible hands of time.
