Corey Blake's Prime Minister Platform [Part 2]

Day 860, 14:33 Published in Australia Australia by Corey Blake

In part 2 of my Prime Minister Platform, I will be covering the military, the economy, and multi-partisanism.


With V2 coming out in the coming months, it is vital that we prepare for the changes. That is why, if elected, I will start the plans for a re-structuring of the Australian Military. I will make it top priority for each branch of the military to start creating squads to fit the military needs in V2. I will meet daily with each Marshal and the Ministry of Defense to ensure the process of re-structuring runs smoothly and gets done before the end of my term.

In addition to that, I have been hearing from some AAR soldiers that weapon runs are all over the place, and that there is no set policy. So, I am making a campaign promise, For every Defensive war, 5 weapons, for every Offensive war, 3 weapons. We must have guidelines put in place to ensure the safety and well being of the Australian people, and this promise ensures that.


Let's be blunt, the economy stinks right now. Consumer confidence is down. I propose that we re-new our taxes, as so:

Click to Enlarge

This new tax structure will create competition within Australia and allow the Australian economy to expand. I support this tax re-structure, but I am willing to listen to Australian business owners thoughts, who are the ones this affects primarily, so feel free to express your views on this.

Daily management of the monetary market to ensure the safety of the AUD, so I will put together a team of expert economists to help keep the AUD in prime condition. Mismanagement of the GFCs can lead to economic woes, so I will push for daily updates on the condition of our GFCs to ensure Australia has a safety net, economically. Also, in order to get our housing sector building, I plan on proposing to the Minister of Industry a subsidy plan, to approved companies, to encourage business owners to start housing companies. A careful analysis process would be taken in the approval of companies, so your tax dollars won't go to waste.


An issue that has plagued Australia for as long as I can remember is partisanship. I want to eliminate the cross-party bickering and to do this, I plan on meeting weekly, if not more, with Presidents of each party in Australia, to gather input from them and their party. I will discuss issues arising in Australia and how each feels on how we, as a nation, should approach each situation. I hope to establish guidelines to ensure that this becomes a trend in administrations to follow mine and keep partisanship at bay, to ensure unity.