Day 2,636, 04:22 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988
Questions what everybody fears to ask.
Questions about difficult issues, awkward problems.
Questions which need to be answered.

The Fox News's next guest in the QUESTION TIME was the Minister of Education, a Presidential Candidate, Members of Knesset: [XAvivX]


"I just want to keep the country safe..."
"The party membership is not a pant which is to be changed daily."
"You just divided the votes, to help Mickey..."
"It is a huge missunderstanding from the simple reason"
"Who is the Minister?"

Good afternoon Congressman, Thank you for accepting our invitation.
I suppose, it was a hard week. We are beyond an exciting presidential election. You also run for presidency as the candidate of Israeli MoE Party and get 20 votes from 80.
The others -Admiral General Mickey, and President Flo_rida20- talked about their programs, but you've been pretty tight-lipped. You just said the following: "I am not going to do big changes or conquer big countries. I just want to keep the country safe..."

Is it enough? If it is, please explain us, what we have to do in the following terms. What would you do, if you had won the election?

Well, as I said in the article, I just wanted to keep the country in safe hands. I have planned to run as a Backup but then I decided to run for real. For the win. If I would win I was keeping up Tom's great job. He was the vCP and I was the CP. I would like to invest a lot more in Education & Forgein Affairs, because those are the things that keep us on the map.

What is your foreign policy?

First of all, ambassador program. Ambassadors for allie countries and for non-allie countries in order to prevent attacks on us (specially Turkey and Cyprus). In Leto I would like to keep coming to meeting and talking there about millitary and political situations. Being with great connection with other Country Presidents. For example, once a 2-3 days,

Congressman XAvivX

I would like to talk with the others CPs about how's it going in they're countries- millitary projects, etc...
And of course, talking every day with the MoFA about future plans and what we are gonna do.

Very well, let’s move on.
You were the member of Israeli Reform Party (IRP), then you changed your membership during the campaign, and for now, you are the member of IRP again. Eventually, what party are you a member in?

It does not seem to be consistent. The party membership is not a pants which is to be changed daily.

Is it connected with that the IRP did not support your candidacy?

Yes. I wanted to run for CP and there was a missunderstanding between me and John. We had a poll and the members of the party had to vote who the party should run. I wasn't one of the people that the country could ran (missunderstanding) so I went to the MoE party so Ori will be able to run me. 3 days later I came back. I went to the MoE party in order to run for CP. Nothing changed. And then I get articles that says bad stuff on me that John Rupert published.

What do you think about party loyalty? Some says, -and blames you- that you endangered the election success of Flo_rida20, and you just divided the votes, to help Mickey. Is it right? What was your motivation?

I have talked to Miki and I though about running in order to backup him, but it didn't happend. So I ran for real. Nope - I didn't tried to help Miki. I ran for the win. and I didn't won. I don't see anything which is against party loyality, I just wanted to run for CP. It was a miss understanding that I wasn't in this poll that will decide who IRP will run.

So yeah maybe I'm not the IRP candidate but it doesn't says I'm not able to run for CP. If John wanted, he was telling me to leave IRP.

We are in the same chat, why did not you tell us there? I have heard this misunderstanding from you for the first time.

What do you mean?

It seems a huge problem, why didn't you tell your opinions to the other members?

Yeah it was and still a political fight between me and John...
what do u mean opinions?

About your candidacy, and polls

I did told John. But he says he doesn't rembmers I told him that I am running. It was at the 2/2, John said it's too late. So I needed someone to run me and I went to MoE party for 2-3 days. And after he said I didn't told him he shouted at me for not filling the poll and I said I didn't took part of this poll, because I wasn't able to vote for myself.

It is more than a simple misunderstanding, Am I right?

Yes. It is a huge missunderstanding from the simple reason that this missunderstanding affected the elections for CP.

I would like to avoid the aspects of my person. But I have to ask. You were the Minister of Education. Can the conflict -between you, and JRM- be the reason of your replacement?

Or is it an other conflict with the President?

I don't believe so. But might be, I don't know.

I were the Minister for an hour, then you become the next

It's you again -But it's acceptable if we work together-

(You are right) What did the president tell you?

First of all he said I should work with you.

I said stuff that I am sorry about them. I learned a lot about you in those days. You are very smarter then I though. And I really wanna work with you and on your ideas

Thank you very much, Sir.

A last question please. John Rupert Miranda viciously attacked your attitude in his article. He said you fight for positions, not for nobler goal. He published strong evidences. What do you think about it? Is it unfair?

It is very unfair. I posted a reply on his article. a very big reply. I think his article is full with lies and distorted things. I will never post an article which is against someone. I think it's a political murder. Lot of stuff from what he said there didn't happend. For exapmle. I didn't left MoE party because i lost the elections. I left it because the elections we're over. But I'll forgive John this time. As I said before I am sorry about some stuff that I did and said.

I hope the conflict will be terminated soon.

Me too.

It was the Question Time
Thank you very much Congressman
It was a great honor for me.

Thanks for interviewing me! You are a promising newbie, a smart person and a nice man. Keep on your great job!

Did he overcame the challange? It is up to you.
He is a well talented man I give him 10/6.5

It was the Question Time with Rufus1988