Congressional Report: 26th May - 26th June

Day 950, 01:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office
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This Congressional report includes all the proposals that followed the normal legislative procedure, excluding any sensitive legislation, and the on forum voting record for Congress.

Party Representation
TUP: Ft8888, Asher, Dan Moir, Dr Duncan, Jimmy Cricket, John Forseti, Kravenn, Mr Woldy, Pensive, Rory Webster, Serbian Citizen, Kevy Kev Kev Junior shabado, Skalg von Tuari, Stefan1992, Valorum and Wayne Jarvis

PCP: Avlana Kiarunto, Ayame Crocodile, Bowen199, Damien Jacob, elbanaan, Gabreil McCook, Sfeir and Valkar

SDP: Applefreak, Artela, Eric Ross and Lon Kirk

Spectrum: Andy Millward, Gaius Julius Caeser, John Barlett, Longbaugh and temujin94

UKRP: Archerstorm, Craig Rossiter, Darkmantle, Glados, Master Hofkens, Steve Steinbeck and Tom Phillips

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Voting Hall Attendance Records
Legislative Procedure Amendment: 33%
Clarification of the Monarchy: 40%
Antidisestablishmentarianism Act: 43%
The National Budget Act: 55%
[Adviser] Approval vote for Joachim von Bremen: 55%
[Adviser] Approval vote for Malta_1990: 53%
Amendment to the Legislative Procedure Rules: 48%
[Adviser] Approval votes for Dishmcds & Iain Keers: 53%
The Empire Act: 50%
House of Commons Act: 45%
Repeal: The Treasury Act: 50%
Amendment to the Legislative Procedure Rules (2): 45%
Amendment of the Legislative procedure rules: 45%
Judiciary Act Amendment: 53%
House of Lords Act- Amendment (2): 70%
Amendment to the Legislative Procedure Rules: 50%
Ammendment to Legislative Procedure Rules: 68%
Amendment to the Judiciary Act: 55%
Daniel Thorrold's Lordship - Approval Vote: 53%
Jhorlin's Lordship - Approval Vote: 58%
Amendment to the Definition of Subject Act (2): 53%
House of Lords Act- Amendment: 85%
Abolishment of The Judiciary Act: 70%
Amendment to the House of Lords Act: 75%
The Workforce Act: 73%
Amendment to the Definition of Subject Act: 58%
[HoL Removal] Hassan, Rastari, Woldy & Karacticus: 53%
Amendment to the Judiciary Act: 55%
The Swede Act: 65%
Amendment to the Monarchy Act: 68%
Executive Scrutiny Act: 68%
Dishmcds' Lordship - Approval Vote: 60%

Average: 56%

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Minister of Legislative Affairs