Congress so far

Day 2,503, 10:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

It's my first term as a congressman, and I have to say it's been quite easy so far. So here's some of the law proposals so far...

Two days ago jonyb.b, president of one of our core allies, Spain, proposed a mutual protection pact with us, the eUK. This was met with general approval by congress, with I myself being apart of the 38 who voted in favour of the pact. There were no votes against the MMP.

No images of Spain seem to work, so I just got this pic of a welcoming Viking

Yesterday WookieO decided to propose an MMP with Bulgaria. I'm not really sure of the background of this proposal, but I can guess that it was a move to strengthen our ties with Aurora, as we already have MMPs with Aurora countries: Indonesia and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). The MMP was approved of by congress, with 34 voting yes and just one congress member voting no.

Earlier today, fraztodd proposed a huge increase on import tax from 8% to 25%. This was an unprecedented move, and I'll have to message fraztodd to find out what his motives behind this were. The proposal currently has 1 vote for yes, and 11 votes for no.

Any ideas or feedback would be great!
Please remember that I don't write articles to be nasty to anyone, and that constructive criticism is welcome.