Clanky4 for a non communist DPP

Day 843, 07:39 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

Now just to clarify I know that I ran under this same exact banner last month. No need to tell me.

Communist Activity
It has been brought to my attention that the level of communism is the DPP is getting to a very high level. So high that someone added something that I feel is rather true about our party to the wiki.

Screen shot:

Anti Communist promises
I am running once again to try to bring our party out of the shadows of communism. To represent all of the non communists in our party. To give our party a more non communist feel. So if I am elected I will change the name from the Democratic People's Party to the Democratic People's Party is not communist, or the DPPINC.

Forum Activity
Other then the name change that I feel is more then necessary I want to increase activity on our national forums. They are mostly a dead land with only a small group of people posting on them. We need to do something about bringing activity to our forums. When I say we I mean all of us. It is going to take more then one person to get more activity on the forums. However if we work together we can do it!

New player internal programs
I still think that we need to help our new people along, CDV had a good idea with the "Healthy newbies" program. However the plan never went through. I would like to reinitialize that program. It was a very good idea it just didn't ever get put into action.

I would also like to set up an official mentoring program in the DPP, whether I am elected or not. I feel that we need to educate our new people so that they can better understand the game and more efficiently participate in conversation.

Communism will fall in our party
Vote Clanky4 for a non communist DPP