Canadian Paradox Party President

Day 938, 00:00 Published in Canada USA by Mattoze5

Dear Canadian Paradox Party,

I am running for Party President because I believe the party has become way too inactive and needs a swift recharge if it is to survive. So far I have heard from maybe 3 or 4 active members of the party, all of whom seem to be downtrodden about the current situation. I believe I have the experience necessary to bring this party not only back up to a boiling hot but into the top 5 in time.


---eUS Conservative Party President--
-Website Development: Including centralizing live primary, IRC, Forums, and Live streaming for online radio broadcasting with multiple podcasts.
-Preparing Ahea😛 Creation of a Resistance Force org with materials during WWII eUS takeover
-Had done some recruiting 😉
-Managed an active Party Council.

What the Plan is:
-Stress the party's main goals
-Get more new active members first using the goals as a positive joining point: Anything I could do to help liven the party would be in vain if there is not enough people participating. I will therefore personally help Devilcarrier in his recruiting task until we have a sufficient amount of active members.
-We must then create the tools and properly advertise their use so that the active members will continue to have fun and may have something to center around besides the in game beliefs.
-Lastly we need to create a sufficient team/council to run the party with members that have proven the most worthy and active in their jobs.
*****V2 has to be considered in all this so if anyone can help with inside knowledge of V2's political module please let me know*****

I wish luck to Alias and I personally hope that whoever wins, this party stays afloat: It still can.
God Speed,