Can into congress?

Day 910, 23:00 Published in USA USA by Pheno Sony

Hello everyone! Wow, i haven't done one of these in a while. Lemme wipe away the dust.

So if you haven't figured out by now, my name is Pheno Sony. I'm currently trying to get into congress right now. This is my first term (Are you as excited as i am!?). I will be running and representing the United Independents Party, possibly one of the greatest parties in the eWorld. Also, I will be running in the District of Colombia.

My eRepublik Achievements:

- Former CDP(Community Development Project) Member: We work on New citizen retention. We make sure they get the information to have a long and fulfilling eLife.

- Current FuS (Flying Unicorn Squadron) Member: We give the new eBabies moving tickets to sexy Karnataka, and work more on a 1 to 1 basis about their eLife.

- Former Military TC (Training Corps) Recruit: Graduated

- Former Military Army Recruit: Transferred

- Current Military NG (National Guard) Recruit: Still working on it! 😃

- United Independents Party Shout Squad Member

- United Independents Blocker Coordinator

I'm honestly very excited to politically serve my country. I've already militarily served it (and still am) but it's exciting to not only fight in the wars ordered to me, but to have a helping hand in choosing which war to fight in. To vote on laws that are proposed. And generally to get the opinion heard of the new bloods of this country.

I'm also endorsed!:

More to come..