Busy day in congress-land...

Day 866, 15:53 Published in South Africa USA by Merle Corey

First, here is the result of the vote to allow another 5 people in to closed congress chambers:


because of a tie in the voting, we debated the wisdom of holding a runoff vote. Ultimately, we decided to allow 6 instead of 5,purely as a way to put this all behind us. I agreed with this decision.

Congrats to all who got in, and thanks to all who allowed themselves to be nominated.

Immediately after, we (congress) moved forward with a bunch of tax proposals. They are designed to help get our economy back on a more firm footing. No one likes increased taxes...but no likes a bankrupt government either. According to Minister of Finance, Lazer Fazer, our current daily income is roughly 77% of what is was two months ago. That actually isn't bad, and if/when we get back to our previous income level, I'd support lowering taxes again. So, as the lesser of two evils, I voted for all the tax proposals.

One of the tax proposals was mine (food), so I'm out of proposals for this term.

As always, thanks for reading.