Bug or prophesy?

Day 889, 13:34 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

When I logged on this morning, I stumbled across this-

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A rare Plato Claus sighting in late April! Don't let the adorable Santa hat fool you, this is NOT good. It is said that Plato Claus appears out of season as a warning of dark things to come. Oh, if you don't think there are supernatural forces at work in eRepublik, think again. I know people don't want to talk about it, but we all suspect. How do you think those chickens became headless? There are strange things afoot at the Circle K, indeed. But what could he be warning us about?

I managed to capture a screen shot, but just as I was posting it, something caught my eye.

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This was unbelievable... was this what the warning was for? Typically Bigfoot is not associated with the dark side, but there are ancient tales of Bigfoot going on dangerous rampages when put into desperate situations. In a blink, he was gone. There was no damage done, but I was becoming concerned.

Surely these two sightings in the same day couldn't be coincidence. What could it mean? Have I been hacked? Or perhaps cursed? I know there was ouija night going on in the Fed IRC at precisely the same time SEES was holding a seance but... no... that's absurd.

I quickly threw together the little bit of evidence I had, but I felt sick.

The clouds were gathering.

Something was wrong.

Afraid, I reached for my laptop's "power" button in an attempt to put an end to whatever evil had been unlocked.

Instead of turning my computer off, however, I suddenly felt compelled to hit F5. Then I hit it again. And again. And again. I was rapidly refreshing, sure there was more to come but scared to find out what it could be. I pounded they key over and over in an absolute frenzy, unable to control the impulse.

Tears ran down my face as I feared I would break the key if not my finger. Then, suddenly, I stopped.







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Help me.