breadcrumbs and waffles

Day 4,821, 01:48 Published in Belgium Cyprus by Vincent Pain

Fellow countrymen,

Belgium is suffering under the ATO dictatorship. For a week we see that our economy continues declining. The state's income is now about the same as the average income of a single individual.

I wonder if it is still worthwhile to have a government? A CP, a cabinet and a whole congress have to debate what they are going to do with the 12,000 CC that the state received the day before.

Our people have been surviving on breadcrumbs and waffles for a week now. Thanks to people like Lugburz90, the population gets something different to eat once in a while.

We are sick of MCKitKat's waffles, we want the prosperous Belgium back from before. The Belgium where the beer flowed richly and the roast chickens flew into our mouths.

HOPE's Belgium is what we need in return. Belgium = Hope .... Hope = Belgium

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