Back from Germany - Report on the AGU

Day 504, 14:34 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

As some of you may know Austria merged with Germany some time ago when Germany was neutral.

PEACE had been pressuring the Austrian German Union to join their alliance for some time, but the AGU had chose the path of neutrality. It was until a few weeks ago when PEACE had begun to turn hostile in the negotiations in effort to sway them over to the alliance quicker, effectively join or else attitude.

The AGU's reaction to the blackmail however turned their government over to Atlantis rather PEACE.

That was when PEACE (mainly Italy and Hungary) planted insurgency within Austria to innact revenge.

They've unleashed massive propaganda leaflets saying that Germany's occupation of Austria was illegal and that PEACE was there to liberate Austria from their German oppressors amongst the people, (contrary to the fact: as many Austrians and her government approved of the merger before)

In the Media, the Government reaction towards the propaganda was practically drowned out by PEACE... Which to many noobs was confusing, often times causing them to fight for the resistance rather Germany... Germany called on her allies to help aid the resistance wars (which was why I left for Germany weeks ago) but received very little aid from what i saw.

Germany was defeated and has lost all of Austria, her economy is also in shambles as many businesses where in Austria prior to the war. The highest paying job in Germany when i left for 4.00+ Manufacturing was only 6-8DEM (though the economy was starting to come back when i left). Its unfortunate that Germany lost, it was a test for Atlantis to show Germany that we value her as our ally yet since Austria fell many of her populace are discouraged about the Atlantis treaty.

Now word has it that Italy and Hungary will be splitting up Austria amongst themselves until "Austria is able to act on its own feet" in order to defend Austria from Germany.

One thing is for sure though, I'm happy to be back.
Germany is heavily divided in opinion amongst herself, and the connection between the government and the people was very small unlike here in the US. Their forums are also very inactive.