Answer to Party President Questionnaire (Extended)

Day 473, 19:41 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

1. What erepublik experience do you have?

I have had a decent amount of experience with eRepublik. I may not have had as much experience as my competitor, but I don’t think excessive experience is beneficial unless you show that you have learned from it and put it into action. I believe that I can use the experience I have with eRepublik the most sufficiently.

2. If elected PP who would you nominate as a candidate for country president and why?

I would try to install, with the help of the CVP counsel, a Primary/Caucuses system (probably on the forums) to help nominate a candidate for president. If such a system would not work, then I would probably ask party members whom they think I should nominate. If all of these techniques fail, then I would seriously consider Joe DaSmoe. There is a person who I can guarantee you I would NEVER nominate: myself. I realize that my abilities are not high enough to even consider running for president myself.

3. What changes will you bring to the party once elected?

What changes will I bring? Absolutely none (other than adding a Primary system.) We are the Conservative Party, and Conservatives don’t change. Besides, we have gained many members on the current structure. I will try to improve processes with more activity, but without change. Desertfalcon is already talking about changing the CVP platform. I disagree with this, and I can tell you that if elected I will make sure that the platform is restored to the way it is right now. This does not include the current Manifesto in progress. All changes brought by a majority of responders in the Manifesto would be accepted.

4. What is your stance on the PANEC tax hikes, which ones do you support or oppose?

PANEC was an extremely flawed plan. It must be changed immediately, but through the acts of compromise in multipartisanship. We need to work together with other parties to try and convince them to lower income rates and higher import rates(just a little.) This, however, has no affect on a Party Presidency, as I would not be able to do much about the plan.

5. Are you going to change the party name and political orientation?

No name changes and no ideology changes whatsoever.

6. If your party has members with honorarily titles which ones do you want to keep the same and which may change?

No honorary titles will change. If elected, I will keep the current council, continue current council procedures, and keep the Party Vice Presidency, as well.

7. Are you going to appoint an assistant PP? Who and why?

I will keep the current party vice president as my aid. Moishe, as far as I know, is away at the current time, but he can expect to return to his job as Party Vice President, if I am elected.

8. Why should voters consider you over the competition?

Voters should consider me because I can bring Reagan, a true conservative, to them. I joined this game in hopes that I could get close to people who are conservative like I am, since they are so hard to find in the real world. Now that I have had that opportunity, I would like to help restore the Conservative image. Reagan was one of the best icons of this positive image. I believe that with a little activity, attention, and aspiration we can make the Conservative Party, THE TRUE eAmerican party.

God Bless eAmerica ,