Advice for players: Battles and residency...everything you ever needed to know

Day 1,630, 19:14 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hey guys, today I felt like writing another article with some good sound advice. A few days ago a few members of the Self-Defense Force (My MU) were complaining on the feed about how their kills weren't being tracked for the Daily Order when it was to fight for Bulgaria against Turkey. As it turned out, we didn't have an alliance with Bulgaria, and they were fighting from the Republic of China, which conversely has an alliance with the Turks, so they were fighting for enemy! They weren't only engaging in the wrong battle, they were fighting completely against orders! Go figure...

Additionally, one of these people, when I let him/her know, used the auto-select function for moving from the fight screen and moved all the way to Bulgaria to fight; halfway across the world. This was totally unnecessary and a waste of money!

So, let me let you in on a few tips. First and foremost, in order to fight a conventional (non-resistance war related) battle, you do not need to reside in the territory where it is occurring, you only need to reside in the country you are fighting for or in a country that is a direct ally of the country you are fighting for. Knowing a country you want to fight for's allies, you can choose the country that is cheapest to travel to, we'll get to that later. First, you can determine the allies of a specific country by doing the following...

From here, you can determine the optimal country to move to using basic knowledge of geography (or the erepublik map), this zone map and the following grid. Note: There is a base price of ¥20 to move within your current zone. If you move one space horizontally or vertically, ¥40, two spaces horizontally and/or vertically, ¥60, for three spaces ¥80, and four spaces ¥100. Note that you can wrap around the grid so a single move will NEVER cost more than ¥100. Also, the zones are not based on the ruling country in each territory but rather on geography, prices do not change for a specific locale if one country occupies another, they are set in stone! (Note, these resources (map and chart) are also available on the erepublik wiki here

Knowing all this, to change residence, simply go to your citizen page and click the (change) link next above your current location under your avatar photo, then choosing the right residence on the following page.

Also, of course, you need to ensure you are fighting for the right side in a battle if you didn't go through all this trouble to move! If you were not given the option to select a side, you should be able to see which side you are fighting for on the battle screen here...

Also, one last note, for a resistance war, you can fight for the occupying country from itself or any of its allies, but you must be located in the occupying country in order to fight for the resistance.

Anyways, happy battling people. Feel free to comment on this article and if you liked it, don't forget to vote and subscribe!