About the economic downturn

Day 3,110, 02:53 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

We yesterday saw the WRM sticking at 0.05 or the drop rate then of 0.04.

Why was this. At the start of the tournament everyone thought there would be a huge demand on weapons.

This however did not realize. The reason is simple:

When one thinks about it.

Take my language we have several terms for slapping someone and I am not certain from a normal slap which is a klap in our language one gets a pk or p*klap and then when you go all out one gets a p*llewapper. What we have been doing is giving each other a lammie. A lammie is a hit on the top of your shoulder . It causes some pain and a numbing feeling which is where the name comes from in your language you would call it a numby or numbie. When we were still young one would give each other lammies

Now in comparison we had massive tanks here that did massive damage all day - pw ^. However now there is the tournament and sneaking up on tokens etc. That means that a normal tank had to curb his damage. Secondly once a wall was set with a fairly decent target most tanks leaves the wall and transcends perhaps in a lower level for another bh or seek out another battle. Bh medals has been mostly easily obtainable. Meaning tanks could get more for less damage. Why put down 200 million damage when you can put 50 million in 4 battles and get 4 medals. Furthermore there has been more or less agreements between countries so there is no need to push hard on either side of a wall.

With all these factors taken into consideration its easy to see why demand has slacked off. Will it peek again after the tournament. I am not certain. Countries will no doubt want to defend their precious regions at all costs whilst excluded countries would want to pillage and burn down these regions for the bonuses.

So perhaps a wise strategy would be build up Q7's and WRM for after the end of the war. I think there might be a peak then,

Perhaps not .

But in the meantime one needs to hold back wrm from the markets till there is a recovery. Q7 is fairly stable. So my own strategy will be to use my wrm to produce q7 weapons and sell those till there are a economic rise in prizes again,