A Year 2010. bug ?!?

Day 774, 04:51 Published in Croatia Turkey by Semper5

It seem there is some problems along with a new year have started. I don't know what happened, but we can no longer access the data about company accounts and about productivity of employees as well.

Currently it looks like this:

Click here for a larger view

This is how our company accounts currently looks like. Like we did not work anything at all. No income, no expences, no profit, no salaries payed, no taxes payed - nothing.

And this is how your productivity looks like:

This you can see by yourself if you click on "Show all employees" on a company page.
It looks like no one of you ever worked at all.

I wrote an apeal to admins and I hope they will fix it as soon as possible. But until then, I don't know who of you did worked and who did not and don't know what is your productivity for an each day.

So, I want to ask you to send me a message, each one of you, when you do a job for today, and I will take a piece of paper and a pencil and write it down. And if admins don't fix this until tomorrow, I won't be able to make a calculations and determinate our profits and losses for last week.

But as I promissed in last article about new financial policy, tomorrow I will raise your salaries, but this time approximately, according to data I dispose. I know that most of you worked all last week and you worked hard and I won't let you to suffer the damage because some tehnical problems that admins should have not let to happen.

Ovo sam objavio u službenom oglasniku svoje kompanije. Madr fakr, nadam se da su se admini rastrijeznili od novogodišnje pijanke i da će uskoro riješiti ovo. Hebeš biznis kad ti je računovođa u nesvjesti. xD

Molim glasujte i pretplatite se. Svakom vašom pretplatom jedan kolporter zaradit će koju kunu više, smrzavajući se raznoseći novine u tri sata ujutro.