A Return To Congress: Making Congress Hairy Again

Day 3,133, 09:46 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Dateline: Day 3,133

Today's Articles:

1. A Return To Congress: Making Congress Hairy Again

A Return To Congress: Making Congress Hairy Again

Today I announce to seek to return to congress. It is time to make congress hairy again. Give it a new hairstyle. The barbershop that is being run is inefficient and it is time for new barbers to hit the floor to give customers the right satisfaction they deserve. Ladies and Gentleman start your hair blow dryers!

What the eUSA congress needs is a new shampoo so our hair smells nice, not make it smell like crap. The future our country needs a makeover. eUSA needs to forge new relationships through friendships and common goals. In our congress we need leaders that represent the people that care about our future. eUSA needs to find allies that will stick with us for the long term. Our country need relations that last that will help us that meet our goals, not be destroyed and suffer consequences of our actions. Here is my platform for congress to help move our nation in the right direction:

1. Favor U.S. MPP with Canada- We need to make more friends. With the fallout over Russia with eUSA refusing to sign a MPP, we need to find new allies. Canada has been right there all this time and should be a good option that should be strongly considered. eUSA needs find stability in our foreign relations with other nations.

2. Reset relations with Russia- Russia have been valuable ally to eUSA and to Pacifica but the risk of refusing an MPP just because they are friends our enemy Bulgaria is illogical. There are other nations in Pacifica which are being actively pursued to have MPPs with. eUSA needs to recognize that all nations need to have relations with other eNations including those that have historic ties and goals for their foreign agenda. Whether this relationship can be saved or not is the real question but we need to find a solution where Russia can still help the USA out. The chance to reset relations may be a foregone conclusion but eUSA should work re-establish relations with eRussia.

3. 5.00% Low Work Tax- I favor a low taxes that will encourage growth and bring new companies back to eUSA. We need to begin a path to replenish our reserves more. It needs to be raised from 2.00% to 5.00%.

4. New Punishment System Proposal- To improve blacklist system I will submit my plan for discussion on a new punishment system for those that break law but also the opportunity given to citizens to become part of eUSA society again on an individual basis that is fair. Citizens have the right to prove their innocence until proven guilty on all charges against them before congressional vote must be taken. Once vote is taken it is final.

1st Offense- 3 month ban with eligibility to return to eUSA society with full rights.

2nd Offense- 6 month ban with eligibility to return to eUSA with full rights and placed under a congressional watch list.

3rd Offense- 1 year ban and placed on the blacklist. It must be renewed by an act of legislation in the congress subject to be extended or terminated whether conditions of an individual have been met so that full rights of eUSA citizens are restored or placed under a new set ban extension under new length set time by congress. The new ban extension under new length time set voted by congress but set length time not allowed more than 1 year.

It’s time for our nation to move forward. Our future is vitally important so our nation succeeds. To bring change your voice must be heard. I feel the unhappiness about the state of the game. In the halls of congress that is where anyone can be effective. That is where it can begin to end the unhappiness. When we come together to unite to find solutions that is when we have a more productive congress. That is why I am running for congress again for the SFP.

Let's make congress hairy again!