A question towards the people of Croatia

Day 749, 02:57 Published in Croatia Hungary by clawy

If an alliance involving Russia+ Ukraine + Poland + Romania + Moldova+ Slovakia + the Czech Republic + Serbia + Croatia + Bosnia + Slovenia+ Bulgaria + Greece would be possible, would you close your war with Serbia for it?

Update: I will also post the reason for this. mihail.cazacu, Romanian ambasador to the Ucraine and a big dog in EDEN (according to him, at least), posted a comment in his article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ukr-meet-the-same-romanian-ambassador--1075933/1/20 (sorry, links don't want to work at this PC).

"Our offer to Russia about an Eastern Alliance (Russia+ Ukraine + Poland + Romania + Moldova+ Slovakia + the Czech Republic + Serbia + Croatia + Bosnia + Slovenia+ Bulgaria + Greece) is still on the table. Poland liked it. The Croats repeatedly agreed to close their war with the Serbs in order to make such alliance possible."

Also, another fine comment from him:
"@clawy: you know the difference between the government and the trolls, don't you? 😉"

Good to know I got to know some trolls 🙂