A merry Christmas comes with purchasing Packs..

Day 2,940, 09:31 Published in Greece Greece by Dimitris Xs

( The following story is fictional and is a participation in e-Republik's Christmas-writing competition)

Since I decided to stay low at the Halloween challenge and not “burning” my XP points, I made a decision to have some fun this Christmas by playing for as long as I could and as many battles I could get my hands on!

After purchasing the infantry kit (still mandatory for Division 1 players.. ), I got a hold in which of the packs I would get to accompany it . War Stash with all the military goodies in it or Power pack, with vast health capacity and quick health restore..?

Well.. According to my opening statement.. the decision was easy.. BOTH!!

Sitting comfortably on my lovely couch,taking my laptop on top of me , fixing my Rudolf's deer position over the table,( in a way of making him eager to see my progress in the game.. ) and made myself a cup of chocolate with cinnamon powder and a half-a-bread-size sandwich , I advanced into my first battle of the day.. Working and training were already gone during work in the morning.

With a purchase like this, I wanted nothing else than an easy Battle Hero ( B.H.) medallion.. A new player should always tr to decorate his award achievements with as many medallions as he can get!

Since I'm new player and since my Strength is not as high like some monsters players in my Regiment of my M.U., I had to play smart.

- Avoid Natural Enemy battles ( they attract too much hit and too many big players),
- Avoid playing a fight after the first 5 minutes (chances are that some players already made their big hits. And of course we respect people that draw guns first!! ALWAYS respect that.. )
- Prefer new started campaigns or campaigns with low interest. Such as doomed Resistance Wars..

Quickly scrolled down the Wars menu and checked the “Belarus VS Romania” battle.. Resistance war.. (hmmm) 77 vs 12.. {more hmmm). On "Waiting".. ( Right on! )
And here we go!

Q7 weapons? Check.
Full Health bar? Check.
Candies? Check.
Gold for Damage Accelerator? Check.
Damage Booster? Check.

After a quick sip on my (warm now) chocolate and trying not to make my girlfriend angry cause I bibble to her trying to chew my first bite of the sandwich and tell her that I do the dishes after I check something on the internet.. (A lie ,I know. But an innocent one..), the “Next Fight” button appears!

Activate damage booster, activate Damage accelerator and quickly enough a 6 million damage..

Checking my health bar and I still have about 270 health remain.
Why not taking on a resistance battle to build up for my Freedom Fighter (F.F.) medallion? Check my bazooka store. 35 remain. Go!

After a quick 10 minutes fights, my way for 2 medallions (B.H. and F.F) was shining bright and my girlfriend still is trying to comprehend the shiny face of joy I have for almost a minute.. Or maybe is my brand new chocolate/cinnamon moustache fashion trend I'm trying to bring to the world this Christmas!

Have fun and have a very merry holidays!
