4/16/2011 - Be Prepared!

Day 1,243, 07:29 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

The Hill Times - Edition 3 - Day 1243

Be ready for an attack!

It is basically a fact that we will be facing an invasion very soon. Right now we are making sure that we are prepared to fight an invasion. Our chances of beating ONE are not great, but we will fight as hard as we can. Remember that All Canadians East of Ontario are Requested to Evacuate to BC/Alberta. This would be all Canadians in Shannon, PEI, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nunavut, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. It is important that we do not lose fighting power due to an invasion. Make sure you are prepared!

Tips on being prepare😛 (by Plugson)

1) Buy guns early - prices go up as the battle rages

2) Buy food early - prices go up as the battle rages

3) Buy a couple moving tickts - you may need to escape an occupied territory or evacuate one that is about to be overrun (note: moving tickets will become obsolete soon)

4) Find out where to check the latest battle orders (Forum PMs from Jacobi, shouts by Jacobi, articles by Jacobi in the Battle Order section...basically be vigilant about watching everything the President does, for those of you without a military leadership to follow)

5) Calm your sh*t (yes, Sperry is back and he's ready to kickbutt, first EPIC and then all of Poland)

Congress has been hard at work since the elections and here is a little bit of what they have done so far:

Congress has placed Venoms III as head of the NCAP on April 2nd. The Administrator Act was passed on April 8th and made sure Administrators were more fair. Arche8 was voted in as the new CSIS Director. Kilgore Trout 89 was voted to be the next Attorney General of eCanada. Right now Congress is voting on whether to increase TCO funding from 5,000 to 9,000. Also, if you would like to view the April 15 - May 15 budget click here.

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Thanks for reading and please vote!