3 Great Places to Find News

Day 2,662, 18:13 Published in Australia Australia by Merovingiano

Hello fellow eAustralians,

The press is important to keeping yourself fed, ready and alert.

1. Top News Scroll down on the homepage and you'll find the top news. The top news is sorted by the top voted articles in your nation of citizenship or nation of residence. It can also be sorted into categories.

2. More News A lot of times More News will find you newer stories because articles have fewer votes. Fewer votes means they are slower on the list and on the More News first or second page.

3. My Feeds Your feeds are where your military unit, friends, and political party make posts. These post often supply quick info or links to article.

Be sure to check the news for battle orders, war information, giveaways, food, and ammo.

Stay alert fellow citizens!

For the glory of eAustralia and all of her friends!


The below are links to valuable sources of information for eAustralians young and old, so please feel free to use them as they are there to help you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and as always may eAustralia prosper,

Citizen, Senator, Friend of NEBULA, and dMoEE of eAustralia