10.Blowhole epidemic reach disastrous proportions eek

Day 1,723, 03:04 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

We all know the Uk is our froends The condition were someone is your "friend"/foe and your fighting each day with him FOR EXAMPLE UK/Ireland. This is the first blowhole event.

The second one was is the Eden debate. This is the second blowhole event.

Some blowhole terms explaine😛

What is a blowhole:
Sound production

Air sacs just below the blowhole allow whales to produce sounds for communication and (for those species capable of it) echolocation. These air sacs are filled with air, which is then released again to produce sound in a similar fashion to releasing air from a balloon.

Unlike the blowhole in nature for the online blowhole input doesnt equal output. Were for a normal person 5 lines of output would be enough for the blowhole 50000 lines is barely touching the subject. Thats because blowholing is his favorite activity.


The writing of thousand of lines of inane serious boring long-winded drivel. Something like Eden blah di blad did blah x 50000 lines. This is similar to asking professor a question! In fact the blowhole telepathically perceives a craving from his fans (other blowholes or people that dont know one can unsubscribe)for the next 10000 line article.


This is what the blowhole feeds on..the more the better and more than that he votes others articles publicly so that other blowholes in turn vote his article. A evil cycle that never ends.


This is were the blowhole reaches a position of stature. His blowholiness must share every decision of the cabinets of blowholies to each member of his or her constituency with countless articles that says basically squat diddly.

Types of blowholes

Croblo non man: This is your junior blowhole he will evolve into an adult blowhole later. At this early stage scientist has discovered that he is only capable of 2000 lines of blowholing.

Rustling the leaves blowhole: This is the first step towards the final evolution stages of blowholes. The rustlingleavesblowhole(indian name) is only capable of 5000 lines of blowholing a biologist recently discovered in a startling discovery. He is has few subscribers and gets low votes to his articles. Thus he needs to buy votes and such stuff.

Half blown blowhole: A anthropologist recently found ways to halt the half blown blowhole from hatching into the final stage. This he did by sending porn to a half blown blowhole. As the reason most men is on the Internet is the search for porn or thats how it start anyway. The half blown's mind can be distracted from blowholing by sending him porn on a daily basis. Side effects of this method include [deleted by plato ] . At this stage in the method do not send him porn of porn sites with forums. The half blown will latch onto this sites and hatch into the final stage of blowhole.

Full Blown blowhole

which is called the full blown blowhole. As mentioned if he latch onto porn he will become the worst kind of blowhole which is called the porn blowhole. During this final stage the blowholing will become permanent. The full blown blowhole will often think to himself wouldnt 1000 lines more have put my article over better. Irritations of the full blown blowhole is article length and people who don't blowhole. Or people that is trying to be funny in the comments. Luckily however the only people left reading his articles is mostly blowholes in one of the blowhole stages. During the day he can be found in his moms basement or in the library: researching his next 20000 line article.


Full blown blowholes suffer from bloated egos as they approach each other head to head and slam into each other it causes a blowout. And a 100 flame wars later they forget what they were talking about in the first place and turn their interest onto the next blowhole event.

Blowhole Event

This is anything happening in game which can be blowholed to extremes. Like I mentioned UK/Ireland and Eden debate. Usually its meaningless events such as should we really be fighting the english. Most players dont give a hoot either way : they go Ireland/UK war ahh great klik x 25... collect bazooka and energy bar ..yeah. For the blowhole this must be made into the next disaster if his viewpoint is not followed. If we fight with the UK he sobs they will wipe us..boohoohoo.

[Notices signs of blowholing end article.]