"You Don't Just Click Buttons"-- Written By Ramilas (eUSA citizen)

Day 1,808, 17:50 Published in Canada Canada by Lord Beorn

No, really... you don't just click buttons in this game?

Well, as it turns out, there is a HELL of a lot more out there if you go and look for it.

And that is exactly why I am writing my very first article, to encourage all new players and noobs who would like a little more out of the game to take a little time and absorb information. Why is this important? Well, knowledge is power my friends and it really does help to enhance your experiences here.

A little about me. I joined eRep about a month ago and quite frankly didn't know what the hell I was doing. It seemed like everyone was a part of a military unit, so I picked one (kind of at random I must confess) and dutifully trained everyday and fought in whatever battle my commanders deemed the "Orders of the Day." I bought a few factories and even got a job! It didn't pay much, but it seemed like nothing was worth very much either so I said to myself "meh" and went to my 9 to 5 like a good worker bee.

This was fine... for awhile. I played for several weeks and started to get bored hitting the same buttons everyday and not really seeing anything of substance REALLY happening. Sure my muscles got a littler bigger and my warehouse filled up with worthless food raw materials, but the game was already losing any semblance of "fun."

I needed to make a change, so I started to read a little and ABSORB information. I looked into the governmental aspects of the game for the first time and found these great folks over at the Federalist Party. (P/H) They welcomed me in, taught me a few things and let me explore even more about what this game has to offer.

I had no idea.

Please excuse me for still sounding like the complete noob that I am, but there is an actual game within a game! I started learning about all SORTS of acronyms... PTO, USWP, AFA, MPP, NE, PP, CP, CvP... seemingly hundreds more. It took some time but I learned what everything meant and more importantly what it meant in the context of the game. I started to read articles and gained an appreciation for the sheer amount of time and effort that many, MANY people put into this experience. It was well worth my effort. I still have a lot to learn about, but I know one thing... I'm interested in this site and game again. It almost lost me after two weeks.

Now, here's the important part people. This is for all you new players that are just like me. Take some time and learn about all the BIG things happening in your ecountry right now. Learn and read everything you can about all the famous and infamous, important and not-so important people and organizations that affect your experience here.

PLEASE DO NOT blindly click on the first piece of propaganda you see and join up with someone because it was the easiest choice. Gain that knowledge, gain that power... ABSORB all you can. I feel confident that once you do you can make INFORMED decisions on what you want and what you want out of this game.

Shameless plug time... I am a member of the Feds and Easy Company. BOTH have made my experience here worthwhile. I encourage you to learn about ALL the political parties and military units and make your own choice. I hope to see you here:

Thank you for your time,