[USWP] Cream of the Crop

Day 2,359, 08:12 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Do you know what it feels like to chew 5 gum be in USWP? What it feels like to be in one one of the most successful parties in America?

Do you know how it feels to be the best player you can be?

The USWP is one of the premier parties in the United States, boasting some of the strongest leadership in the game. Our members have held just about every position in the US Gov, including the Presidency for the past 4 months. Not to mention the part is home to plenty of former CPs who have served the USA and other countries, myself included. The USWP is a bastion of leadership that helps to keep our nation stable and on the right track. It’s the cream of the crop of leaders in the USA.

The USWP is here to help players become the best that they can possibly be.

With USWP, you’ll be 20% cooler than you could have ever dreamed.

I believe this fulfills my quota of pony images for this article

However, the USWP is not simply about mentoring it’s young and turning them into the leaders of tomorrow. The USWP is also about helping it’s young and needy with daily supplies of food an weapons, regardless of your MU. We even give out free food to those new players who aren’t in the USWP and need some help!

We do this through our Fast Forward program.

Fast Forward is a non-government, USWP run, program to help our young and needy do their part to help the USA.

These supplies are yours to use as you wish, on the battlefield or the marketplace. Fight our enemies on the battlefield, hoard your weapons and food, or sell the weapons on the marketplace. It’s yours! Do whatever you want with it! However, only USWP members are eligible to receive weapons through this program.

-Only one request per day
-eUS Citizenship
-Membership in a PTO Political Party or Military Unit will result in denial of request
-Make sure you have at least 100 spaces in your inventory, so you can receive all your supplies.

Current Supply
Non-USWP Members (Under level 25): 500 health
USWP Members (Under level 36): 500 health, 4 Q6 weapons

You can apply for supplies here every day!

I hope that soon, I’ll be seeing you in the USWP.

Join the Cream of the Crop!
Join your fellow workers today and become the best you can be!