[United Front] Immigration Crisis

Day 2,448, 06:18 Published in Canada Norway by Major Lee Hung

Dear comrades,

We have today officially renounced the Immigration Council to avoid it posing any further risk to us.

The Americans of the CPF continue to ignore the council, yet demand it be imposed on everybody else. When only followed by our party, this council is a risk to our creation of a Socialist state, and an attempt to repress the revolution.

There is a small but surely growing army of Americans now getting in to eCanada.

Ever since the "go live" of the Immigration Council, CPF have not yet once abided by its decision. They have yet to respect its authority. THEY were the party who demanded we accept the council.

Conveniently, all of these eAmericans are not only accepted by, but all join the CPF.

Fight Back

We won't let this nation fall under the control of eAmericans. We will now be accepting whoever we please to defend not only our revolution, but the Socialist Republic of Canada as a whole.

Internal Committee

All requests now only need to be referred to our internal committee. Decisions on who we accept and who we don't will be made here.

We unilaterally declare the Immigration Council to be ceased.