[TUP]March Congressional Candidates

Day 2,316, 17:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Dear all,

First, I would like to apologise for the lack of fancy shmancy graphics that Acroc used in his Congressional Article. However, I have been busy preparing our congress list.

So without further ado, here are the candidates:

1 - Kravenn

I have known Kravenn for a long time now. He is the only person I know who actually wants to be in Congress all the time. Loyal, active, competent and knowledgeable about everything in the Foreign Affairs his advice is invaluable.

2 - hotfuz

hotfuz is an eager player, and one that is fairly new. Although he has been in Congress before he is returning for another crack at it. He is an active citizen ready to do his duty.

3 - Piran

Piran is a friend of mine and an active citizen. I am pleased to see him running for office again, I know that he will do well.

4 - Dan Moir

Dan was PP in my first month on erepublik. A mentor and guide to how to run a successful party he has been around for a long time with a wealth of experience and ideas.

5 - The Grumpy

A returned player, The Grumpy has been around for a while and has a lot of experience. This is his first time under the TUP banner, however we have great confidence in him!

6 - Madelina del Melrose

I am excited for Madelina going for her first Congress spot. She is an increasingly active citizen dedicated to new players and ensuring the NHS works to its full potential. I have no doubt she will take the same commitment into her Congress term.

7 - Talon Karrde

A man who needs no introduction, Talon is back. And if he isn’t, then I intend to guilt trip him back! He is a 4 time CP of the UK and all round excellent leader, diplomat and a personal friend.

8 - mwcerberus

Experience, talent and humour roll of this man in equal measure. He is a great citizen and friend of mine, having been an ex-CP, Minister of a number of Ministries and regular Congress member in the last few months.

9 - F.N.B

A new player he has been involved with congress a number of times. I have no doubt he will continue to serve TUP and the UK well.

10 - Merko I

Active and dedicated, Merko is also a relative newcomer to Congress. However, he has proved himself active and dedicated to the task. He will be a great asset for Congress.

11 - Bohemond4

Oh, thats me...moving along.

12 - Lonqu

A several term congress member, Lonqu seeks to gain another slot. I know he will do a good job.

13 - Cane21

Cane21 has been in congress a few times. He is a good citizen ready to fight the good fight.

14 - Lassesp2142

A young citizen eager to be elected, we wish Lassesp all the best in his political career.

So remember to vote for The Unity Party on the 25th for a safe and strong voice!

Viscount of Cambridge