[Transformation] With the NOTW gone, THP is here to Stay!!!

Day 1,329, 13:19 Published in Pakistan Serbia by The Silent Hunter

Assalamu Alaikum ePakistan!

First lets have a theme song.
(I really wished that Tufail would have sung this "Waee", but Saif is not bad either 😁 and for those who don't understand Sindhi language should turn on the "Closed caption" of the YouTube Player.)

Now lets get to the topic. With the demise of The News of the World, a new transformation has begun in form of The Hunter's Post! 😃, You guys will never miss NOTW, I promise 🙂

I have great plans for this paper, and as you can see, I have put the brand new header for my paper. All the credit in making that banner goes to Ahsan Shahbaz though I delivered the main ideas 😉. Thank you very much buddy!

With the passage of time more articles will be written here wich will greatly benefit the Noobs and uninformed Olders alike! 😉

So until next edition, Good Bye & Take Care

And don't forget to sub+vote 🙂

Pakistan Xindabad!!!!