[TheSchuReport] Latvian-Lithuanian War, Waz Up Serbia and Boredom in Bulgaria

Day 3,130, 15:44 Published in USA Japan by Schubacca

Dateline: Day 3,130

Today's Articles:

1. Latvian-Lithuanian War
2. Waz Up Serbia?!!
3. Boredom in Bulgaria

The Latvian-Lithuanian War

The Latvian-Lithuanian War peace was proposed to Latvian Country President Mong. Peace was declined as the Latvian government doesn’t desire peace at this time. So nothing has been agreed upon so far. This poses an interesting challenge to Pacifica member Latvia and its allies.

Source: The_UNIT Laikrastis-Lithuania https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/lietuvos-latvijos-karas-2601727/1/20

Waz Up Serbia?!!

In Serbia their government is forming a Military Council. It is acknowledged since I translated the language on the screenshots posted in the article from my source (see below) at www.i2ocr.com that it's inevitable there would be MMPs with Bulgaria and Poland. It is also clear Bulgarians, Poles, Hungarians, Romanians, and Iranians are allies of Serbia as it was openly expressed in the Serbian media. Not sure what is at work here but it definitely puts Pacifica on the spot as Poland and Hungarians are members of Pacifica. There was a recent spat over eUSA strong dislike over Russia’s MPP with Bulgaria a few weeks ago during last month’s eUSA administration so it will be interesting to see how the eUSA government will handle this piece of information whether they know this or not.

Source: East India Company News-Serbia https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/dr-avotvorna-akcija-2601442/1/20

Boredom in Bulgaria

In Bulgaria in the Prednik article “Complete boredom. Entertainment WHEN ?” there has been talk for months in their hidden section of Deputies forum how their government can sign MPPs with Romania and Serbia including with Iran and Slovenia but nothing has happened yet. However it is clear the Macedonians are willing to sign and also Spain as they want to become a member of Asteria. That is the news from Bulgaria which I hope provides some interesting insight. Here's to hoping that Bulgaria will end their boredom soon.

Source: Prednik-Bulgaria https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1344-2601674/1/20