[The Amazing Race]Episode VII - The Netherlands - Water

Day 3,048, 14:01 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Media en Recrui

This Sixth episode of The Amazing Race, The Netherlands, officially part of the Kingdom of The Netherlands. It is the second most densely populated country in Europe. The Netherlands consists of 12 provinces and is bordered by Belgium, Germany and the North Sea.

One of the most famous things from The Netherlands: Windmills

So, welcome to The Netherlands, after your long long journey you are now nearing the end. But first you face the 7th Episode of The Amazing Race in Amsterdam. The Netherlands has many great things to offer, like tulips, dykes, windmills, clogs. I hope you will enjoy it! You race starts in the Zuidplaspolder near Gouda, the lowest point in The Netherlands. You need to answer the questions. The questions will be about water & waterworks and you need to do it as the rules said.

The Amazing Race works the same as the Amazing Race TV Show. You finish your job and get a number of points.

I will be the host, sequences will be from him. So let’s get started THE AMAZING RACE EPISODE VII - WATER


1. I turned a sea into a lake, I was constructed between 1927 and 1932. What am I?

2. What runs and has no feet, roars but has no mouth?

3. I contain 20% of the liquid fresh water reserve of the earth. What am I?

4. What is the biggest dyke in the world?

5. How did a little boy called Hans Brinker save his people from disaster?

6. In 2009 The book ‘1953’ was published. A movie called ‘De Storm’ was made based on this book. What was this book about?

7. The Dutch have been traders for centuries, a lot of the international trade also depend on our ports. Name the largest port of Europe.

8. In order to defend our cities from enemies the Dutch created one of it’s key sightseeing attractions, what are these attractions?

9. The Dutch used this defensive tactic for this first time when the French troops of Lodewijk XIV attack the lower lands in 1672 It wasn’t until 1871 when this defense was perfected. What is the name of this defense tactic? Hint: They used water.

10. In the ‘Golden Age’ of the Netherlands the V.O.C. was a trade organization which created great income trading spices from India. There was another trade organization with a ‘dark’ trade past, what is the name of this organization? Hint: They traded in slaves.

11. This Dutch ship can carry and transport massive oil platforms, It can carry 110,000 tonnes which makes it the world record holding heavy lift ship. What is the name of this ship?

12. Dutch Drinking water comes from the East and the West of the country. What is the difference between the water coming from the east and the water coming from the west of the country? Hint: think about the Dutch soil. In the west the groundwater is Brackisch.

13. This navigable aqueduct was built in 1961, making it the oldest aqueduct in the Netherlands, which highway does it cross?

14. Beavers were reintroduced to this national park in the Netherlands in 1988. They had been extinct in the Dutch regions since 1826. What is the name of this National Park?

15. The body of a full grown adult male normally has around X % water weight on average. How much is this percentage?


You need to be in a country whose ruler officially controls one sixth of all land on earth, where it is illegal to die in their parliament and where the shortest scheduled flight in the world begins and ends (only 2 minutes). You need to be in this country at a random time...

Wait and find the article.

Signed by all the Country Presidents,

Rusty D, Demon war, Don Care Leone, S1lentDeath, Shawtyl0w, I-G-D, Mungos032, and Rathena Gelc


Minister of Education