*PNPP ANNIVERSARY* 4 is not bad, how good is 5!

Day 2,875, 18:02 Published in New Zealand Sweden by Robinsson365

Hello eNZ citizens and Happy 5th anniversary Peace ‘n Prosperity Party,

I am a proud member of the Peace ‘n’ Prosperity Party (PNPP). The party welcomed me from the moment I joined and has provided an excellent experience.
The three pillars of the party are an ideal base for a country with a small population such as eNZ. To not attack other countries (Peace), keeping the economy competitive (Prosperity) and accepting and taking an active role in elections and the following outcomes (Part of the coalition).

The PNPP is the only party I have been a part of and I am glad to be an active participant. I was pulled towards the ideas and pillars of the party and agreed with the way the PNPP leadership and members see the way to develop eNZ into a small but worthwhile player on the greater scale. I was initially recruited through fellow PNPP members of the Military Unit “Deathwatch Guard” and have not looked back.

The formation of the party on day 1 of eNZ and remaining in the top 5 parties for the entirety of the existence has been a huge accolade for the party. I strongly believe the party can strengthen the current presence it has in eNZ.
This strength I hope for will see:
- a return of a congress for eNZ
- supporting a strong CP candidate
- increased engagement of PNPP members

I encourage citizens of eNZ to join us in the experience and continue pursuing our ideas and goals under the new logo (COMING SOON!) as we have with the old (see below).

ALSO CHECK OUT Dizzy Ramone and Oboacer’s articles, they are great reads.