[PD] Congress elections, poll

Day 2,045, 10:14 Published in Belgium Serbia by Cika Nikola96

My 2nd article in Belgium. 🙂

As I promessed yesterday, now I will publish some results about Congress elections.
Let's start?

On this elections, 136 Belgians voted for Congress members. It's 27,30% of total population.

Two parties got the same number of votes.

Res Belgica



They even have the same number of members! 🙂

Votes that those parties got, compared to the number of members:

89,18% each

and, votes they got, compared to the number of total population:

6,62% each

Now, let's see other parties?

Compared to the party members: 103,33%
All TOgethers got the best elections results, compared to the party members!

H.O.P.E. Got 100% votes, compared to the party members!

And, the worst results, got The Reformist Movement

They got 64% of votes, compared to the party members!

Belgium got 30 Congress members, 60 laws proposals, and 30 CS passes.

And, if you haven't voted yet, please vote on this week polls: I'm supporting or I'm not supporting

POLL about UK NE on us, to prevent PTO of the Belgium.

Until the next article,