[Parliament] 24-25th June Session

Day 3,139, 02:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Good mornin’ gents,

Apologies for the session not being released as normal yesterday, it has proved to be pretty bizarre series of events…

Just the one motion to consider.

Motion 1: Training War with Canada – Proposed by the Government

Terms can be found ‘ere - http://prntscr.com/bjqjb7

Call for a division in the comments if you'd like to see this put to a vote, otherwise it'll be passed 'on the nod'.


After several months serving in random functions around the eUK I think it’s time I had one of my ‘eNaps' for a few months and let somebody newer run the gaff for a change. As Congressional elections are tomorrow we may as well wait for the new intake of MPs before beginning the replacement process.

A reminder

Any eUK Citizen can propose any idea they have for improvement to either Government or Parliament here. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts in the comments below!

