[NAZ4POTUS] Aiming for a Better America

Day 2,963, 10:23 Published in USA USA by Azazel Romanov

Apologies for taking a bit longer to write this portion of my campaign. I have been busier than expected and also felt that this portion required more thought put into it. First I will touch on this month’s domestic crisis, and then I will finish with information on the domestic portion of my cabinet. Alright, let’s get started.

So those who have asked me questions or have had longstanding conversations with me already know my opinion on the Bear Calvary Revolution and SFP’s position within our country. I also hinted at such in my announcement article and in previous articles about this problem. Do I think that SFP members are traitors? No, not really. This month could have been a lot quieter and smoother without the events of the revolution, but it did not cause irreparable harm to our nation. Honestly the worst outcome of this was to severely diminish the profile of up-and-coming SFP national figures, as I had said in an earlier article. However, how we act from this point does have the possibility of making this unable to fix.

For the establishment, threatening or going through with a planned PTO of SFP will get us no closer to a resolution, and would in fact make this situation far worse than it is presently. Locking out SFP from national progression will also have the same effect. For SFP and Bear Calvary, continuing to disregard how we have organized government for years or launching further revolutions against the dictatorship would also ensure the conflict continues. What we have is a mutually assured destruction situation. I voted for the blacklisting and the codification of its meaning, and until overturned by congress, they are in effect. Do I believe that SFP and others involved have to beg to get these removed? Absolutely not. But if they want to be a part of our government system and decisions, it requires good faith actions and a recognition of the laws as they stand.

As I have told many, I believe in starting a process of reconciliation, but this requires good will from everyone involved. It also requires engagement from both sides of the conflict. SFP is a part of our country, they are not domestic terrorists. Engaging in that line of thought not only ensures their lack of cooperation, it will push others away as well, making this country ungovernable. Members of the Feds, USWP, and WTP are not all corrupt elitists out to remove opposition and silence dissent. We act according to our beliefs, the same as SFP or BSP, and are not over powerful boogeymen. Both sides may have irreconcilable beliefs, but that does not mean we have irreconcilable passions and desires to make this country better. We must not treat each other with disrespect and scorn. As President, I aim to set an example that we can be above this behavior, and move forward for the common good. To simplify, I believe wholeheartedly in the laws and ways we have governed this country, and I also believe there is a place for SFP within that structure.

And now I proceed to discuss plans for the Department of Citizen Affairs and my Media Department. As many of you know, DoCA receives funds as a part of the budget. As many of you may not know, those funds go to programs that give back to the players. In fact, it is odd that someone as knowledgeable as me still has to actively seek out what programs are currently being run and which aren’t. Simply put, there is no promotion for DoCA, which means I assume there is little knowledge of their programs amongst our newer citizens.

It has also occurred to me that our Educational aspect of DoCA has fallen by the wayside. DoCA emerged as a combination of Interior and Education Departments, which means that the responsibility for education falls to them. We have no rotating articles helping new players, we have no mentoring of new players, and I’m not even sure that American University is fully operational anymore. Some may say that as the game dies we don’t really have the energy to put effort into these programs, but I would say that the only way we survive is by making sure there are others to eventually take our place.

Because of this, I am announcing Hale26 as my Secretary of Civilian Affairs. Hale26 helped me save my Education Department, and I know that he has a quiet energy that will ensure DoCA gets back on its feet and into full gear. But I do not want him to do this alone. I am creating a commission of players who have been known for their dedication towards new players and domestic programs. This commission will aid Hale26 and myself by brainstorming and collaborating on ways to revitalize the department and expand its scope to ensure it is truly worthy of the money it receives from congress. This commission will consist of Rainy Sunday, Arrden, Yui MHCP001, and EddieA. Alongside Hale26, I look forward to working with this group and putting DoCA back on track.

I would also like to revitalize our Media Department, with a goal that this department will also encourage national media. I would like to see us return to consistent WHPRs and ensure that this administration informs the public about its progress regularly. I am announcing Jaden A. as my Secretary of Media. She has shown a dedication to our domestic programs, but I felt that allowing her to expand her experience while improving our nation’s media was a worthy cause for her to take.

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Alongside her are Press Secretary SColbert and Deputy Secretary of Media James Schubert. Typically, I don’t feel a need to include deputies in cabinet announcements, but each of these serve a greater purpose. SColbert will be reviving the position of Press Secretary to add more humor to the otherwise serious situations we have, and Schubert will be assisting Jaden A in supporting a project originating from his own ideas. I would like to see the Media Department encourage national media, and to further interest those with a desire to write with positive incentives.

As you can see, I plan on attempting to improve many aspects of our domestic institutions. While I am limited to executive areas, I would like to see other areas of our nation take our lead, even if it is at the individual level. We can make our country greater, we just have to actually put effort into doing so. If you have any questions or comments you would like to share, feel free. I look forward to hearing more from you all, and will likely write again later to recap my campaign.