[MOSA] Getting To Know Each Other

Day 1,664, 02:27 Published in Malaysia Greece by argiris7

Hello Malaysians, propably you all have seen the new cabinet of eMalaysia and i would like to say "thank you" to Mr.Prsident for giving me the opportunity of helping eMalaysia.I would also like to wish good luck to the people that work in the cabinet 🙂

Ministry of Social Affairs

Minister -> argiris7

Special advisor -> Saghaeian

Our ministry is under a big responsibility ,we have to bring new players in eMalaysia in order to make a bigger nation. The goals of our ministry are:

1) Help the new players grow and become great citizens of the new world

2) Catch multies and anyone that does thing that are against the rules of the game and against eMy

3) Give advise to all the players about how to use mIrc,chats,the game mechanics,etc.

4) Inform weekly about the news of our country

5) Organize competitions on Food or Guns

We will try to do the best we can for eMalaysia!

Sorry for the bold letters
Tomorrow: Competition for Q2 food
Stay connected 😉