[MOMS] The Best Random Item Competition

Day 1,426, 00:22 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by av khan

Hello peepsies,

Entertainment competition is here XD Well I dunno about others but it has been long awaited by me at least.

So lets get on with it. When I presented the idea in the plan. I had 4 different competitions in mind namely,

Best Joke Competition.
Best Song Competition.
Best Avatar Competition.
Best Random Item Competition.

One for each week of term. But now only 3 weeks of the term remain. I might have conducted all the competitions even now if I might have found some people willing to write for MOMS. But as I have found just 1 person. My schedule becomes very tight as I can spare only 2 hours for erepublik everyday in which I have to do a bunch of thing. I won't go in their details I despise such acts where people whine. Its just egoist shit. Suffice it to say that I am a lazy ass who can't find enough time for ePakistan.

Thats me!

So today I will hold 'The Best Random Item Competition. While I will leave the other three competitions to you reders to decide which 2 of the 3 you want me to hold.

Best Joke competition is easy enough to understand.
Though the best song competition will need some explaining. You will have to post links to your favourite song/songs, video or audio, though I wonder if its against erep rules but I haven't seen anyone getting FPs due to that. So we will have no problem, I guess.

But hey it will be loads of fun. Not the winning or losing but the fantastic jokes and interesting songs we might find here. While the best avatar competition will be where you would all show up your favourite avatars. You can change em for 2 days for the competition from your military ones (if you have got military ones). So kindly tell me in comments which of these three competitions would you like conducted.
And if anyone can think of some competitions other than these three. I will be happy with the suggestions.
About today's competition. Its freestyle, random and in my opinion the most interesting of all competitions. You can present anything here.
A Joke.
A Clip.
A Song
Any Poem or Prose(Your own or of some other writer).
Anything interesting on any topic. RL or EL.
Excerpt from any books

In short anything everything.

While the total prize for this will be 3500 PKR.And any donations I get for the competition will be equally divided amongst all the contestants. While everyone from around the eWorld are allowed to take part in this competition. The idea is to provide fun for all. And it won't be so much fun if only we ePakistanis were to take part in it.
Lemme explain the rules.
1. You have to add me as friend.
2. You absolutely have to shout the article after that.
3. Vote the article.
4. Of course submit anything in the comment 😁 you can submit multiple items.

There is an idea which occurred to me just now. Why not just conduct this competitions through the month instead of specifying as with other competitions. I can write 2 more articles inviting people over the weeks where everyone can submit multiples items as well. And the total prize will be increased to 10,000 PKR. Which will be divided among three winners.
First, will get 5000 PKR.
Second, will get 3000 PKR.
While the third, will get 2000 PKR.
Any donations as already mentioned, will be equally divided between all the contestants. It will be real fun if you ask my opinion. So as you submit your item for the competition also tell me what you want to be done. While I think this last one is the best idea.

Av Khan or _Sora_