[MoI]Switzerland And The World Part 2

Day 1,472, 17:17 Published in Switzerland United Kingdom by bowen199

Just a few days before the November Country Presidents elections winners term comes to an end. Most country presidents will look back and think 'I was the right man for the job', but how many others will disagree? Switzerland has had a marvellous month thanks to the hard work of Luka Tomasevic Tomas.


Day1469 of the new world

Austria vs Czechs

Austria has been working on a number of social programs while keeping a firm grip on Southern Bohemia. After losing several RWs the Czechs have been unable to muster as much force as some of their previous liberation attempts. Switzerland was proposed as a Natural Enemy by a rouge member of the Austrian congress, but we were assured by the Austrian government that the proposal was not official.

Belgium vs France

After the Poland made the 4+1 agreement with France. France focused all their efforts on winning their Serbian RWs and helping allies, allowing Poland to keep the remaining regions as agreed. Around a week ago Belgium was proposed as France's Natural Enemy. First France took Wallonia (20% bonus from iron) and Brussels then Flanders. Shadowukcs wrote several articles trolling the French while Belgium was completely wiped. After the Belgium conquest a quality 3 Hospital was constructed for North Calais. But then Belgium started consecutive RWs and won all their regions back.

Estonia vs Finland

While Estonia had been winning all their battles involving MPPs. Estonia changed their Natural Enemy to Russia. Russia used this to their advantage to use Estonia as a blocker closing their Poland war. Estonia later made Finland their Natural Enemy again but have been locked in a win/lose initiative battle with neither side managing to hold a clear advantage.

Germany vs Poland

Germany still has 3 regions while Poland has the remaining 10 regions. Germany has avoided winning any RWs and currently negotiating a forth region and possibly a TW.

Ireland vs UK

After being completely wiped by the UK, Ireland has gained the upper hand by regaining all their regions (even Northern Ireland) as well as capturing Wales from the eUK. Ireland have managed to win there last 3 campaigns without losing more than 2 rounds.

Italy vs Slovenia & Serbia

Italy has difficulties in keeping any of their regions, even with 20 MPPs. The lack of organised RWs has also been noticeable for some time. Serbia still remains as the second largest military empire behind Poland. Serbia has all the region bonuses and Slovenia have all except saltpepper and rubber.

Portugal vs Spain

Spain declared Portugal as a natural enemy and attacked Notre where they failed miserably. When Portugal gained initiative they marched into Castilla y Leon, taking much needed iron. What's even more remarkable was the fact that Portugal also managed to not lose any of their Venezuelan regions while Spain were giving it there all. The actual treason behind the initial attack was apparently to help Venezuela but after he realised they hadn't helped at all they announced the attack was only a training war. I suspect this battle will continue for a long time.

Switzerland vs & Slovenia

Slovenia have honoured our agreement and most Swiss players are looking forward to further negotiations next month. As we've had at least one permanent region we've introduced the Swiss Youth Academy for young players.

Minister of Information