[MoHA] Testing 123 Is this thing on...Oh Hello

Day 932, 09:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

Welcome to June and your Back to the Future type Ministry of Home Affairs team.
In today’s article I’ll be throwing clumps of information at you in the vain hope that if enough is thrown some will stick.

The Team

This month there are over 30 players involved with the Ministry of Home Affairs. Today I’ll just give you a brief look at the department heads and give you a brief outline of what they do.

Minister of Home Affairs: Karacticus
That’s me. I’ll be spending most of this month pulling my hair out and wondering why I wanted to be MoHA again.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs: Stefan1992
Stefan will also be running around pulling his hair out and being anywhere I can’t. The Valleys are a harsh place and if I get eaten by something Welsh Stefan will be able to take the reigns with ease.

Under Minister for Citizens: Kevinshabado
Kevy wil be responsible for our mentoring programme, greeting new players and managing our huge task force of players who are ready to help any players with a problem. Think of Kevy as your eAgony Aunt.

Under Minister of Entertainment:betafoxtrot
Beta is once more heading up the ents team and will hopefully be talking to you all very soon about the month ahead. Keep your eyes peeled for info on forum and in game fun.

The Gifting Director: Tom Phillips
Tom will be responsible for the British Gifting Hub. Any eUK Citizen between level 3 and 12 whose wellness is between 40 and 75 and works in a Q1 company can contact the Hub for help.

Giver of Guns: xFiggy
Figgy, who was involved with the Freeguns project last month will now coordinate the giving of ammo for the coming month. I’ll tell you more on this lower down. Keep reading.

Under Minister of Recruitment: DamianJacobTamirJagr
Damian has taken up the challenge of trying to recruit more players to the eUK and into our offsite forum. Expect to see Damian standing on a rooftop near you this month shouting about the eUK. Look out for eAdoption.

Under Minister of Wikiwikiwahwah: Pensive
Pensive has returned to our fold this month and will be tasked with updating and pushing the boundaries of our Wikipedia type things. If your not sure of what a wiki can do for you – get in touch NOW!

Under Minsiter of Technology : Nice Guy Eddie
At present Eddie is the technology department. He’ll be here to develop new techno things to make all our lives easier. How about an auto article writing programme?

Under Minsiter of Media: Horice G Fossil
We’ve dusted Horice off and placed him back at the helm of our media team. Expect the NNA to pack more punch this month, awards aplenty and something else.

They’re not a bad bunch and I’m really looking forward to an active month in the MoHA. We’ll be all over the place like a cheap suit.

Now before I sign off…THREE THINGS.

Free Guns!!!

You what? Guns? Oh no they cost too…What? FREE!!!

That’s right our free guns programme is still up and running.
To get your guns get on the irc (I’ll educate you on that this weekend) and join this channel: #freeguns

The guns are free but hey we can’t go giving them to every Tom, Dick and Steve.
There are some rules:

You Must be a Subject of the UK
You must live in London
You must be below level 18
You must not have been supplied on the same erep day by the army, a Ministry or SAS.

Also if you fancy joining the army ask our free guns chaps and they’ll show you to the draft office.


Ok, so if your new or have no idea as to how the game works get in touch with the eUK Mentoring Department and they’ll sort you out with a world wise player to guide you through the heartache and pain that is not knowing what’s going on…do I qualify to get one of these?

On the same sort of note, if you fancy being a mentor why not drop the eUK Mentoring Department a line too. You may find it rewarding to give something back…then again you may not but just think if you’re a really good mentor you may secure yourself a vote in the next congress elections.


Come and join the MoHA jumble sale.
That’s right we’re flogging off the silver in an auction.
Come onto the foums and see what you can win.


Right that’s your lot.
I plan to drop you another line on Sunday or sooner.

All the best,

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