[MoF] Report, plans and budgets.

Day 2,637, 11:51 Published in Ireland South Korea by Don Croata

Hello Ireland,
I’ve been appointed as Minister of Finances for this term and I’d like to thank to the Government for their trust. I’ve been Irish President six time and there was never a single IEP missing from any org. I believe that even “my” opposition agrees with me. Anyway, I’m thanking the whole Ireland for the trust given. My task is to return the same respect by making our country richer!

Nogin the nog has done great job last few months and we should all be thankful for her time, I was sad and worried to see her leave the post. She has transferred all the neccessary informations to me very quickly.

My first task was to secure all our orgs. Many of them haven’t been used so far, thanks to the fast Admins all of those orgs are now under our control, with changed passwords and e-mails and we can start using them in order to create more profit for our country. Orgs are crucial tool in money making procedure since they doesn’t have 10 golds limit per day, this enables us to set huge offers in currency and sell it for gold and a good right (right now there’s profit of 19 IEP per each invested gold). The point is, we have lots of National Organisation which will from now on be used to make us money. We will see into possibilites even to rent some of those orgs to long time Irish citizens who could use it to invest their own money. Richer individual means richer country. I won’t go too far in this topic now because that’s for some other time soon to come.


-Publish Full Financial Report
-Set Budgets for Irish Army and MPP’s
-Publish several Tutorials “How to make money”
-Organise at least one Gold giveaways for Training Ground sales to our citizens.


In this moment we have our money on several different orgs, we hold gold, currency and tank reserves. Current holder of our tanks reserves is Mr. Tayto, we have kept this stock for many months already and it’s to be used in case of important war.

National Organisations Number: 26
Our reserves on Day 2634 expressed in IEP: 1,925,720.36
*including treasury

The balance might change because of Gold/Currency and Currency/Tanks rates, but was our exact balance on the Day 2634. I will publish next report at the end of a term, so everyone will be able to see where our money has went and how much we’ve made. Most of our money is being kept in Gold reserves.

In the last few days we’ve lost 14 243 so our balance is now a bit lower. We’ve gathered some tax money and payed Bills to Irish Army for the WRM they need in their production of weapons. This amount is the last bill State is going to pay to Irish Army considering the new method of suppling and supporting our State Army.

I’m planning lots of methods and schemes in order to increase our income as much as possible, some of them will start very soon, while others will have to wait for congressional support. When we’re making decisions about everyone’s money, we need to make sure that everyone have the right to give their opinion about it. Of course, math doesn’t lie, numbers are exact science and we simply have to make the best decision for eIreland.


Irish Army is our only State Military Unit which secures us firepower and national unity considering military aspect. For years eIrish has been united over the existence of IA, which became the symbol of Unity. In order to make our State Army better and effective we have to find new solutions and new methods of financing it. Last month we’ve spent roughly 45 000 IEP on Irish Army, which is a lot. We can’t afford this spending in a long term, so my first task as MoF was to find a better solution for Irish Army. We will cut costs of Irish Army for 25 000 IEP per month, which is the reason why proposed IA budget is 20 000 IEP.

After long discussion and analyse of the markets and productivity in the Communes, together with Mr. Tayto we’ve came up to conclusion that Communes aren’t profitable for our national army anymore, that’s the reason IA has immediatly left the Communes. Irish Army haven’t been self-sufficent and we needed to find a way to make them less “heavy” for our treasury.

The current proposal to Irish Congress which needs to be voted as soon as possible is this:

Right click -> View image for bigger picture

As everything is explained in this proposal made to congress it won’t take me much longer to explain it to you. It’s up to Congress now to vote about this proposal, but we’ve already taken all the neccessary procedures to start the new Communes system.

Irish Army budget is going to be 20 000 IEP per month. Irish Army will be far more self-sufficent and effective.


Mutual Protection Pacts are highly important for each country. MPP’s are sign of friendship and support between the countries. Some richer countries are able to sign many of them, while the smaller countries such as Ireland can’t afford to have many MPP’s signed in a long term. In case of war, we would of course sign more of them, but in this moment, when we don’t have some major threat on our backs, we can save up some money simply by cutting amount of MPP’s signed. Each MPP’s costs us 10 000 IEP, so we have to be reasonable about this issue.

The current proposal of our MPP’s Budget to congress can be seen here:

Right click -> View image for bigger picture

Our President has also started voting procedure about what countries we’re going to sign MPP’s with. Considering we’re going to renew MPP with Russia as they are our long time friends and they’ve really been hitting hard for us recently we have three extra MPP’s to be signed. Those will most probably be with our closest friends.

Proposed MPP’s budget: 40 000 IEP.


Considering that MPP’s and Irish Army has been our biggest expenditures so far, those two combined will mean spending of 60 000 IEP this month. It’s not a lot since we’ve cutted costs wherever we could.

There will be plenty of money left for some other projects such as Traning Ground Loans. It means that before the next TG’s sales start we’re going to be prepared to give/loan some of country’s money to our people.

Requirements to recieve TG loans are about to be set. We won’t give or loan money to citizens which we’re not sure that are going to stay in eIreland. We will sign Agreement which each reciever of money about staying here for a long time. No money shall be taken from country and then used in some other country. If there’s someone who accepts the money he will need to return it in case of leaving eIreland. Also, there’s not much point in giving money to our youngest citizens since there’s high risk they could leave the game or be multies. As being said, we’re going to make detailed requirements for this and it’s going to be prepared as soon as possible.

I believe we can afford to spend for this cause since it will make our nation stronger and richer in a long term. Once again, stronger individuals means stronger country. We must think long termly. As long as our balance keeps growing while spending on things like this, we can afford them. If our balance gets lower than in the start of the term, we would stop with the sales. But, I am pretty sure that we will be able to both - start this kind of projects AND increase our money balance.


I’m planning to launch several articles for our citizens to educate them of how to make money, more about this will be written in the coming days too. Stay tuned!

Wish ya all the best,
Don Croata