[MoF] - July - Report 4 - Slightly Distracted

Day 2,085, 22:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bank of England

[MoF] - July - Report 4 - Summary

Report 1 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mof-july-report-1-the-return-2288022/1/20
Report 2 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mof-july-report-2-tallied-and-ready-to-go-2289977/1/20
Report 3 - http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mof-july-report-3-training-ground-loans-2291996/1/20

Hello all,

I would firstly like to remind you about the public spreadsheet I created to show the current state of the eUKs finances whenever you wanted to look. This can be found here:


Training Ground Loans

I would like to think we had a fairly successful term. For the first time we managed to get hundreds of gold out to people who applied for training ground loans during the sale. We got these loans out to 27 people and sent a grand total of 521.18 gold. The total cost of this for us was £113222.33 and we have already had 179.5 gold back and that is always rising!

I would like to thank those who have already paid us back and look forward to seeing that tab in the spreadsheet completely clear!


This term we spent a grand total of £344757.33 of the non country accounts money. I am not counting the country accounts in this calculation as we had some tricky situations with a lot of our Orgs money actually getting donated back to the accounts via tax so we could afford our MPPs. We spent £140k on MPPs with much of that getting paid for from our CP via his CP org. As you can see he sanctioned 118k spending from his account over the term and this was spent on tanks and MPPs. There was also a fee of £113535 over the term for all of the tanks and damage that was bought over the £30 days, most of this was either early on or during the Indo battle.


All MM fishing profit is listed on the spreadsheet. As you can see we only made ~£26k from the MM over this term. This was due to two factors. Poor returns on the orgs listed and the fact we got less run throughs as normal due to all Orgs having to be put back on as the last MoF didn't continuously put the Orgs on the MM. Normally we can do three cycles a term, due to this we only managed to get one and a bit cycles. Profit should be higher next term now they are all listed.


I am happy to announce that no money went missing this term. I pulled all orgs back apart from one each for the MUs and reset all passwords. I did not leave any money as bait and just went about my job as MoF. The situation was pretty dire when I took over with org accounts messy and some inaccessible. That is now fixed and the next MoF should have a much easier time in the first few days!

Handing Over

I am already in discussions with the next MoF about a smooth hand over. As some of you may know from my last personal article I have actually been away since Friday so my incoming MoF has already began preparations and is getting used to the job at hand already. I am confident the Ministry will be taken to a whole new level!

I am sorry for the brief final article. I have been fairly distracted from my role since the CP run in but you can all look forward to a first article of the term which will sum everything up for you!

Current Cash: 1,201,770.2
Non Country Account Spending: £344,757.33
MPPs: 140,000
Loans Still Out: £75,852.96

It was good to be back.
